From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>Date: February 10, 2012 9:49:43 AM ESTTo: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dan Harris <>, David Small <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jan Derry <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Margaret Stout <>, Maria Smith <>, Martha Summers <>, Mary Gutmann <>, Michael Graham <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Sarah Bias <>, Stan Cohen <>, Tom Bias <>, Angela Wiley <>, Bill Austin <>, Claire Chantler <>, Damien Davis <>, Ella Belling <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Hugh Kierig <>, Jim Rye <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Josh Woods <>, Kevin Leyden <>, Maria Brann <>, Matt Cross <>, Melody Thomas <>, Michael Simms <>, Mike Breiding <>, Nick Hein <>, Roy Nutter <>Subject: Fw: Please take action TODAY to save walking and biking! This is a urgent.Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>All -I added a paragraph at the beginning of the form text that I hope helped it hit home, feel free to use in whole or in part:"A quick piece of local data: 20% of roadway miles in Morgantown are state or federally-maintained and funded. Roughly 66% of all pedestrian-vehicle accidents in Morgantown occurred on or along these roads. They are dangerous by design, making hazardous the daily commute for the roughly 20% of Morgantown residents that walk or bike as their primary mode of transportation. We MUST support non-motorized transportation. West Virginia is among the 5 lowest states in proportion of federal highway funding spent on pedestrian and bicycle facilities (roughly 0.6% - yes just more than half of one percent)!!! Please help support active transportation, a critical component to make the WV Physical Activity Plan a reality in saving our state's health."For facebookers...please find a way to post.ThanksChristiaanWalk more, safelyMorgantown Pedestrian Safety BoardChristiaan Abildso, ChairBill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "America Walks - Scott Bricker, Executive Director" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: Please take action TODAY to save walking and biking! This is a urgent.
Please TAKE ACTION and contact your Representative and Senator TODAY to Protect funding for Walking and Biking!Some are calling the draft multiyear transportation bill being considered in the U.S. House of Representatives "the worst bill ever."We are asking Representatives to oppose the House transportation bill. Despite the fact that walking and bicycling infrastructure is a low-cost investment that creates more jobs per dollar than any other kind of highway spending, the House bill eliminates dedicated funding for walking and bicycling and repeals the Safe Routes to School program.The current Senate transportation bill dilutes walking and bicycling funding and programs like Safe Routes to School. It gives your state DOT the power to decide whether or not to make any funding available for these critical programs.
To improve the bill, we are asking Senators to vote for the bi-partisan Cardin-Cochran amendment on the floor to guarantee local governments a voice in transportation decisions, allowing them to build sidewalks, crosswalks, and bikeways that keep people safe. This vote will take place early next week, so please take action now!By clicking the "Take Action" button, you can easily contact both your Senators and Representative in one simple step.Help spread the word! Forward this email.Supporting walking and biking infrastructure and programs like Safe Routes to School have numerous benefits. Public Health organizations, community members, and businesses also benefit from the success of walking and biking initiatives. Contact your local county commissioners, public health organizations and local business leaders and ask them to call or write Senators and Representatives.Thank you for supporting walking and biking.Sincerely,Scott Bricker, Executive DirectorAmerica Walks
America Walks PO Box 10581 Portland OR 97296 703.738.4889