Good morning,
Frank, any indication whether our unspent money may get rescinded?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Take Three Actions Today for Safe Routes to School
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 18:15:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Deb Hubsmith <>

SRTS National Partnership logo

Take Three Actions Today for Safe Routes to School


It is a busy time in Washington D.C. - with decisions being made about funding for this year and next. We need help from Safe Routes to School advocates on three actions - doing all three could take you a total of 10 minutes - and you would be making a big difference:


  1. Tell your Governor not to return bike/ped funding to Washington:  The FY2011 appropriations deal requires state DOTs to return $2.5 billion in transportation funding to Washington.  Based on past "rescissions" like this, many state DOTs will take most of the cuts from bike/ped programs.  While Safe Routes to School is not eligible for these rescissions, it could devastate Transportation Enhancements. Contact your Governor and ask them to minimize rescission cuts on programs that fund sidewalks, bike lanes, trails and education programs. Take action today!
  1. Sign your organization on to a CDC built environment funding letter:  The President's proposed FY12 budget would eliminate funding for built environment activities and the Healthy Communities program at the CDC.  These two programs total just $25 million and provide critical funding sources that promote health and reduce obesity in communities across the country.  Local, state and national organizations are being asked to join a sign-on letter to Congressional leaders to ask for continued funding for these two important programs.  To sign on to the letter, please visit and fill out your organization's information no later than May 3, 2011. 
  1. Contact your Senators to support Safe Routes to School:  Ask your Senators to co-sponsor S. 800, the Safe Routes to School bill.  Growing the number of cosponsors will help protect the Safe Routes to School program as Congress debates the transportation bill.  Take action today!

Thank you for your attention to these federal action alerts. While the Safe Routes to School National Partnership is your eyes and ears on Capitol Hill - we can only be successful with the active engagement of local advocates and organizations like you! Please take action today, to help tomorrow's children have safer routes, lanes and paths.


Bikes Belong Coalition | P.O. Box 2359 | Boulder | CO | 80306

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