Bicycle Board Members,


At the January Bicycle Board Meeting, Don Spencer promised to provide a letter on the service fee that he submitted to the Dominion Post.  It as well as two other relevant documents are attached.




From: Don Spencer []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:29 AM
To: 'Frank Gmeindl'
Subject: Information on Service Fee


Frank – At the last Bicycle Board meeting, I mentioned my letter to the editor that was published back in December and asked if it could be distributed to the Bicycle Board membership. Since the Board meeting I have put together a presentation for environmental groups. It includes some of the information which I discussed with the Board at our January 3rd meeting. Both items are attached. Unfortunately copies of the pictures and maps are not included because of my Neanderthal computer skills.


A copy of the approved Complete the Streets Resolution is also attached.


If this information could be shared, I would appreciate it.

