
Thank you for spending so much time with me yesterday to discuss the trail closing issue and the Traffic Commission's decision to recommend Share the Road signs and a bike lane.  As I agreed during our discussion yesterday, I have attached to this message a draft letter to Secretary of the WVDOT requesting these.  I hope this will at least give you a head start on implementing their recommendation.

The attached letter is not entirely consistent with the Traffic Commission's recommendation or our discussion yesterday.  As I was writing it, I had much more time to consider what we're recommending and how we're recommending it. 

You will notice that while the Bicycle Board's recommendation that the Traffic Commission endorsed included Bike Route signs in addition to the Share the Road signs.  Bike Route signs are not addressed in the attached draft letter.  Upon much more consideration and study of the MUTCD and AASHTO Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities, I concluded that Bike Route signs are not appropriate and may retard WVDOT's action on the Share the Road signs and the bike lane.  Basically, Bike Route signs indicate that the signed route is superior to alternative proximal routes.  Given the motor traffic volume, real motor vehicle speeds and questionable aesthetics on South University Avenue, Beechurst Ave. and Mon Blvd., it would probably only be appropriate to label those roadways as Bike Route Detours if indeed the rail trail had already been signed as a bike route as it should be. 

Yesterday, I explained that installing Share the Road signs on state maintained Morgantown roadways that have speed limits greater than or equal to 40 mph was the idea of the WVDOH representatives with whom Don Spencer and Jenny Selin met February 28, 2009 in Charleston to expedite approval of the Shared Lane Markings (SLM).  I also explained that when Paul Maddox retracted his approval of the Shared Lane Markings, he did not explicitly address the Share the Road signs which were part of the overall package:  SLMs, Bicycles May Use Full Lane (BMUFL) signs and Share the Road signs.  Yesterday, you and I agreed that the letter should cite that previous approval of the Share the Road signs.  Again, upon further deliberation, I decided not to include mention of the previous approval in the attached letter because I thought disassociating the Share the Road signs from the SLMs and BMUFL signs would avoid their being set aside until the SLM and BMUFL signs issue is resolved which may take another 1.5 years.  On the other hand, vocally and informally reminding the appropriate WVDOH officials such a Bill Robinson who participated in the February 28 meeting that the Share the Road signs was their idea might help expedite them if progress slows.

Of course, the attached letter is for the City Manager's signature and I and the Bicycle Board as well as probably the Traffic Commission realize that he can modify it as he pleases.  I think we all share the same objective, to facilitate safe bicycling in Morgantown and however the letter is finally worded, it will align with that objective.

Just as a reminder, we discussed including a map with the letter and you mentioned that you could generate the map.  I hope the information in the draft letter is sufficient for you to make the map.

Also, a Bicycle Board member questioned whether the letter should include the cited parts of the MUTCD and AASHTO Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities.  I did not include these because I'm not sure I have the most recent official versions.  If you think we should attach these and you don't have the most recent and official versions, I will do what I can to get them and provide them to you.

Thanks again for working with us on this!  I look forward to seeing what actually goes forward.
