Bikeboard friends,
I am committed for April 12 to the Monongalia County Democratic Executive Committee. Therefore I cannot attend.
Furthermore, going forward I will be devoting primary attention to this and a couple of other major personal commitments.
In view of these other commitments, I regret to say that I feel I must withdraw from the Bike Board. I will continue to ride my bicycle and to be a cheerleader for the Bike Board.
This is partly in response to recognizing my own limitations, but also in view of the fact that I see strong and capable action by Frank Gmeindl and many others.
I salute you all.
Best, John Lozier
Bike Board Members,
Please excuse the erroneous subject line in my last message! I reused the message that I sent before and forgot to change the subject line:(
We will meet this Thursday, 12-April, 6:30-8:30 PM in Council Chambers.
Bikeboard mailing list