It gets you thinking especially with the location of the new Wallgreens:
"The detour will loop the trail temporarily to the South, toward Deckers Creek, across Old Rt 7, and away from the work zone. The detour will be well marked, and in my opinion, due to the added caution signs will actually be safer than the existing permanent crossing at Old Rt 7."
On 10/10/2012 11:41 AM, Terrence Moore wrote:
Very well, Tim. Thanks!
Terrence R. Moore, ICMA-CM City Manager City of Morgantown 389 Spruce Street Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 PH: (304) 284-7405 CELL: (304)288-2770 Email:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Ball" To: "Terrence Moore (", Cc:,, "Terry Hough", "Mark Wise", "Nicolas P. Webb", "Doug Smith" Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 11:26:58 AM Subject: FW: MUB work / Deckers Creek Trail
Terrence and Jenny
We are aware of the high public priority given to trail use, and we support and respect it.
Yes – the signs placed today are in preparation for our Sabraton Stormwater Project. As I write, we are already adjusting the placement of the signs to allow more passage space for trail users.
The immediate purpose of the signs is to urge caution in this area while we relocate water and gas lines in preparation for the stormwater project. The water/gas line work will NOT disrupt the trail, nor will it require detour of any trail traffic. Any new pipelines crossing the trail will be installed by boring beneath the trail. Proper precautions will be taken at all times to ensure public safety.
The above preparatory phase of the work will take place now through mid November. Again, this immediate phase of the work will NOT disrupt the trail, nor will it require detour of any trail traffic.
The actual work on the contracted Sabraton Stormwater Project is scheduled to begin in mid November, and will last approximately 1 year. Its impact on the Trail will be much shorter.
The work will install a new box culvert along side of the Hartman Run stream, from Deckers Creek Blvd (Old Rt 7) to the point where the Hartman Run stream flows under Rt 7 at/near Hartman Run Rd.
The contracted work WILL require an open excavation crossing Old Rt 7 and the Trail, and will utilize a short detour of the Trail. The exact schedule for that detour is not known at this time, but it will probably be used for less than a month, and will probably occur early in the project.
The detour will loop the trail temporarily to the South, toward Deckers Creek, across Old Rt 7, and away from the work zone. The detour will be well marked, and in my opinion, due to the added caution signs will actually be safer than the existing permanent crossing at Old Rt 7.
This subject work will be relatively small scale, from a trail users perspective, compared to other recent construction activities. But I hope that the above info demonstrates that we take Trail considerations seriously.
As the emails below indicate, we have already begun coordination with the Trails Conservancy. We are also coordinating with City Engineer Terry Hough and BOPARC Director Mark Wise. Each of these folks will receive complete sets of our construction plans and a coordination briefing.
In addition we are working today on a drawing to summarize the project, which we will post to our website. I will provide you a copy and a link as soon as they become available.
Thanks and Best Regards,
From: Tim Ball Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 9:57 AM To: Nicolas P. Webb; Ella Belling Subject: RE: MUB work / Deckers Creek Trail
Nick – please give Ella a copy of the project plans and make yourself available to go over them with her. Also, please provide her dates for each phase.
Ella – thanks for your cooperation. This job won’t be nearly as disruptive as the recent jobs along the Mon. From the perspective of impacts on the Trail, it is a small project.
Thanks and Best Regards,
From: Nicolas P. Webb Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 9:49 AM To: Ella Belling; Tim Ball Subject: RE: MUB work / Deckers Creek Trail
There will be a description of the Sabraton Storm Improvement Project available on our website in the coming days, but it basically consists of the construction of a large culvert from near the intersection of Hartman Run Road and WV Rt. 7 to Deckers Creek. The work will involve crossing the Trail, but the Trail will not be closed. That is a stipulation in our project scope with the Contractor and they must adhere to it. At some point, when the culvert is being constructed through the trail’s path, we will have a small detour around the work area that must be properly delineated, marked and maintained by the contractor. It should also be noted that you might see us working on a waterline project in the area near the trail right now to prepare for the culvert construction, but we will not be excavating across the trail. We will be installing the waterline by boring/drilling horizontally beneath the trail to keep it open. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage you to let us know if there are any issues during construction.
Nick Webb
From: Ella Belling [] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 6:28 PM To: Nicolas P. Webb; Scott Copen; Tim Ball Subject: MUB work / Deckers Creek Trail
Hi Nick, Scott, and Tim
I am hoping to get a description of the MUB project that may be impacting the Deckers Creek Trail. When, where, how long, etc. I am starting to get questions about it and have not heard any of the plan. Thanks, Ella
Ella Belling
Executive Director
Mon River Trails Conservancy
P.O. Box 282
Morgantown, WV 26507
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