Yes, I saw them cleaning the shoulder also. They looked like they were doing a fabulous job. Yeah!
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From: Frank Gmeindl <>Date: April 18, 2013 5:27:34 PM EDTTo: Damien Davis <>Cc: Jeff Mikorski <>, Jim Manilla <>Subject: Mon Blvd Bicycle Climbing LaneDamien,
I think I can speak on behalf of all the cyclists that ride up Mon Blvd. between Eighth St. and Evansdale Dr. when I ask you to extend our gratitude to the WVDOH for the excellent job they did this morning sweeping and then washing the uphill shoulder. Through the winter, a fair amount of gravel and other debris collected there making the ascent more difficult than it already is and presented increased risk of flat tires and weaving to avoid debris. Hopefully, it will stay clean for a while and encourage more people to ride their bikes between Evansdale and Downtown instead of using their cars.