> Marilyn
> Sent from my Kindle Fire
> ________________________________
> From: Gunnar Shogren <
> Sent: Fri May 25 17:46:00 EDT 2012
> To: Derek Springston <
> Cc: Bike Board - Morgantown <
> Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Re: New location opening date?
> I think the wind got blown out of the sails on this one Derek,
> Them not being sure about whether they could or not and them not
> wanting to find out about it, kind of expecting us/you/we to do that.
> Good effort Derek, hope you are able to get out and right some in the heat.
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Derek Springston <
> wrote:
>> BB Members,
>> No one chimed in to take the lead on this, so I can I assume we're not
>> interested enough to pursue a free bike rack at the Black Bear location?
>> I
>> have two things scheduled for my evening tonight, one of which will keep
>> me
>> out until after 9pm, so I won't be able to make it happen tonight. If
>> someone else can volunteer to put the pieces together for a photo op, I
>> could potentially be available tomorrow for a half hour or hour. If
>> someone
>> does take the lead, please let me know if you need my assistance.
>> Later,
>> ~Derek
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Derek Springston <
>> wrote:
>>> All BB Members,
>>> Can someone please take the lead on organizing the Black Bear photo for
>>> the Sarris contest? I just need to move that off of my plate at least
>>> until
>>> after Wednesday. I would still be be open to actually taking the photo
>>> or
>>> bringing some props perhaps on Thursday or Friday, but I just don't have
>>> time until then.
>>> Jason from Black Bear requested that we contact Mr. Sellaro who
>>> owns/leases the property by asking:
>>> Can somebody from your board contact Jim Sellaro for permission? I will
>>> contact Jim and let him know to expect a call. He runs Sellaro Overhead
>>> Door service in Star City.
>>> Also, Damien Davis asked yesterday:
>>> Are you taking the lead on getting the photo taken at Black Bear? If so,
>>> will you contact Aaron Stout
(412-287-1512). He is going to be managing
>>> the
>>> new location and is willing to help. He is working till 4:30, 5:00pm.
>>> Please
>>> call him after this time.
>>> Please let me know if you're acting on this to help us out!
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Derek
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: <
>>> Date: Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:27 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Re: New location opening date?
>>> To: Derek Springston <
>>> Derek,
>>> Do Iwe understand correctly that you are trying to enter a contest to
>>> win
>>> a free bike "rack" for our new location? If so, we need the permission
>>> of
>>> the property owners before we do anything. While Matt and I would love
>>> to
>>> have bike parking over there getting permission from the group of owners
>>> may
>>> find opposition (we speak from experience thus far). We are waiting on
>>> permission on several other requests made to the Sellaro family and don't
>>> wish to personally poke the hornet's nest further. Can somebody from
>>> your
>>> board contact Jim Sellaro for permission? I will contact Jim and let him
>>> know to expect a call. He runs Sellaro Overhead Door service in Star
>>> City.
>>> With permission granted, you may take photos when you wish but we do know
>>> that contractors are in and out all weekend and therefore trucks and
>>> equipment abound. Please keep us posted.
>>> Jason
> ________________________________
>>> From: "Derek Springston" <
>>> To:
>>> Cc: "Bike Board - Morgantown" <
>>> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 9:49:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Re: New location opening date?
>>> Jason,
>>> After discussing with a few folks on the Bike Board, we still have alot
>>> of
>>> interest to enter the Saris Corral contest. Assuming we have your
>>> blessing,
>>> could we still take a photo for this location, try to make it look
>>> appealing
>>> for the photo using cyclists and maybe props, and submit it for the
>>> contest? If so, what day and time can we do so? We have to submit by
>>> the
>>> 25th, so I propose that we do it this weekend or early next week.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Derek
>>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Chip Wamsley <
>>> wrote:
>>>> I agree, plus Sarris will get lots of free promo when they open which
>>>> may
>>>> lead to other eateries putting inm bike parking.
>>>> Chip
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: "Traci Liebig" <
>>>> Sent 5/18/2012 7:20:37 AM
>>>> To: "Bike Board - Morgantown" <
>>>> Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: Re: New location opening date?
>>>> Hi Bike Board,
>>>> Could we just take a photo of the BB building (with Jason Coffman's
>>>> permission of course) from the right side from across the street and
>>>> explain
>>>> that this is a popular Morgantown restaurant and it will be opening
>>>> soon?
>>>> Isn't it worth a shot?
>>>> Just my two cents.
>>>> Traci
>>>> >>> Derek Springston <
dspringston@gmail.com> 5/17/2012 10:49 PM >>>
>>>> All BB members,
>>>> Doesn't look too promising from the Black Bear folks for the Saris
>>>> corral.
>>>> Derek
>>>> "Let deeds, not words, be your adorning." -Abdu'l-Baha
>>>> "Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair fire the
>>>> future of the human race." -H.G. Wells
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: <
>>>> Date: May 17, 2012 9:50 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: New location opening date?
>>>> To: "Derek Springston" <
>>>> Hi Derek. Not sure that we have been contacted by anyone else so this is
>>>> our only response so far.... we will definitely NOT be open by the 25th,
>>>> sorry. Our contractors will still be doing work at that point (inside
>>>> and
>>>> outside). Coincidentally we also will NOT be offering outdoor seating
>>>> when
>>>> we initially open. We appreciate your interest but it doesn't sound like
>>>> we
>>>> are in a position to offer much in your time frame. Let us know if we
>>>> can be
>>>> of further assistance.
>>>> Jason Coffman
>>>> Co-owner
>>>> Black Bear Burritos
> ________________________________
>>>> From: "Derek Springston" <
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:31:14 PM
>>>> Subject: New location opening date?
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> When is the new location on University Avenue opening? I'm a member of
>>>> the Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board, and we were hoping to enter the
>>>> Saris Bike Corral contest to try to get you convenient place for bikes
>>>> to be
>>>> parked outside of your new location. I understand that you've already
>>>> been
>>>> contacted by another member and don't want to duplicate that much. Is
>>>> there
>>>> any chance you'll be opening before May 25th? If you're interested, we'd
>>>> love to take a photo outside of the new location, but we'd have a better
>>>> shot at winning if the storefront looked finished and there were people
>>>> outside enjoying lunch, etc. If you're not opening by the 25th, we
>>>> likely
>>>> won't use the location unless we can stage something that makes it look
>>>> lively without much effort.
>>>> Let us know your thoughts!
>>>> The contest website is located here:
>>>> I love your food so much.. .
>>>> ~Derek
>>>> --
>>>> Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
>>>> “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the
>>>> future of the human race.” -H.G. Wells
> ________________________________
>>>> Bikeboard mailing list
> ________________________________
>>>> Bikeboard mailing list
>>> --
>>> Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
>>> “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the
>>> future
>>> of the human race.” -H.G. Wells
>>> --
>>> Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
>>> “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the
>>> future
>>> of the human race.” -H.G. Wells
>> --
>> Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
>> “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future
>> of the human race.” -H.G. Wells
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