Hi again,


I also took an item to forward along the email I drafted to the state legislators in our district to invite them to the Oct 20th ride in Charleston. Here’s what I sent.







Good Afternoon,

I am a resident of the city of Morgantown, and I am also a member of the Morgantown Municipal Bike Board. Last year, along with the non-profit WV Connecting Communities, our board advocated for HB 3021, which would have repealed the rule requiring bicyclists to use a side path instead of the road when a usable side path is available, and instituted a 4-foot passing rule when motorists overtake a bicyclist on the road. Another goal we have for bicycle safety that was amended out of the bill is to repeal the requirement that bicyclists ride as far to the right of the road as practicable.

The bill missed the deadline to move out of the House and into the Senate, but we plan on introducing it again during the next legislative session.

While certain bicycle safety measures may seem to make sense on paper, there's no better way to test what works and what doesn't than to experience riding a bicycle on the road yourself. That's why I'd like to invite you to the first ever legislative bicycle ride being hosted by WV Connecting Communities and the Mountain State Wheelers Bicycling Club on Sunday, October 20th. The ride will be a chance for you, as my elected voice in state government, to experience what it is to cycle in our beautiful state and hear from other cyclists about how bike legislation such as HB 3021 can save lives and encourage a strong cycling community. Why do we want a strong cycling community in WV? Because research shows cycling improves tourism, economic development, public health, and safety.

I've attached a flier with more details for you, and I hope that you will attend. Regrettably, I will not be able to drive to Charleston that day.



Traci Knabenshue

Secretary, Morgantown Municipal Bike Board
