Bicycle Board Members,
At yesterday's Bicycle Board meeting, I took an action item to call Mark Wise, BOPARC Director, to find out why the trail striping committee that he told us at our July meeting he would form hasn't met yet. I called Mark today to tell him that I was aware that the committee has yet to organize and meet. I also asked him for a timeline or at least a target date for doing something with the current rail trail stripe situation so that I could inform the Traffic Commission at next Wednesday's meeting. He said that he will attend the meeting and ask for a member of the Traffic Commission to join the committee that he said he's going to form.
Since Don Spencer and Jonathan Rosenbaum volunteered at our July meeting to join Mark's committee, I would like to encourage them to attend next Wednesday's Traffic Commission meeting. It begins at 6:30 pm and is in Council Chambers.
When we originally recommended the stripe and the Keep Right signs to the Traffic Commission, they spent a lot of time developing specifications for where the stripe would be applied as well as the stripe's size, shape and color. Unfortunately, none of that was captured in the minutes and we all know what we got.
If all the right people are at the Traffic Commission meeting next Wednesday, it is possible that the corrective action can be decided right then and there instead of dragging out through numerous meetings. It would probably also be tremendously helpful if someone came with some authoritative guidelines for trail striping.