Attached are mine and Damien's comments. Some general observations are as follows:
• The plan must be submitted as a guiding document as opposed to a mandate as it currently stands. Words such as "shall", "requires", "must", etc. have to be removed and replaced with wording such as "recommend", "suggest", "request", etc. The plan should be a dynamic document that is able to expand and adapt as conditions change. It is currently too rigid to allow for this. There are also concerns regarding the fact that no plan can encumber any future City Councils as this one does with respect to the verbage. • Several of the projects listed, especially within Engineering, are outside the jurisdiction of the City of Morgantown. As such, since this is a MORGANTOWN BICYCLE PLAN it needs to include only those projects within City limits. If projects outside the jurisdiction of the City are to be included, then the plan needs to go through the MMMPO. • It is suggested that the proposed projects be prioritized. This will give the City guidance when funding is available on what projects will be implemented. Cost estimates for some of the projects should be included to help ascertain which ones are feasible and which ones are not. The Pedestrian Safety Board did a good job in presenting their proposed projects with respect to priorities, jurisdiction, and cost. You might want to review the way they presented their information.
We look forward to reviewing the revised document. If you or anyone else would like to meet with either me or Damien, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks, Terry
Terry L. Hough P.E., P.S, CFM Director of Public Works and Engineering 389 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505 304-284-7412
From: "Frank Gmeindl" To:, "Jeff Mikorski", "Terry Hough", "Ed Preston", "Christopher Fletcher",, "Bill Austin", "Fouad N Shoukry", "Richard Warner", "Perry J Keller",, Cc: "Bicycle Board", "Barbara Shellito" Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:43:28 AM Subject: Morgantown Bicycle Plan
Dear Public Officials,
I have added Tom Arnold, Director Morgantown Parking Authority to the list of recipients of the Morgantown Bicycle Plan. I'm copying you all so you know who got it and so you may communicate among each other about it.
Frank D. Gmeindl Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board LCI #1703 491 WilsonAvenue Morgantown, WV 26501 304-376-0446 Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles