Bicycle Board Members,

Please read the thread below.   I have no idea what the Bicycle Board should do about this, if anything.  I'm concerned that things like this can torpedo the projects to which the Traffic Commission and the Assistant City Manager, and, most recently, the MPO have signed up for.  Perhaps we can discuss this during the action items update on Thursday when somebody gives an update on Max's Challenge.  I understand neither John Lozier nor Marilyn Newcome will be there.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Fwd: RE: Uphill Struggle]
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 18:07:17 -0500
From: Frank Gmeindl <>
To: John Lozier <>
CC: Newcome Marilyn <>, Laura Kemp-Rye <>
References: <> <>


So no one is responsible for this project.  Then, how do you see the relationship between this project and its task groups and the Bicycle Board?


John Lozier wrote:
Frank, I'm out of the picture till March 25, so I'll say little more.

The project has lots of energy, several new participants, has grown beyond Bike Board. Although Marilyn is chair, there are several task groups, Laura Kemp-Rye chairs one of them, there is a lot of mutual trust so "responsibility for leading" is somewhat distributed. 

Took a ride today, along Uphill Struggle route, I think it will work out great. 15 minutes, at moderate speed, from Seneca Center to Star City Park. I hope the chevrons can be placed on Monongahela Boulevard before August.



On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:39 AM, Frank Gmeindl wrote:

John, Marilyn,

What is this about a path?  I don't recall that being part of Max's Challenge.  You guys need to come back through the Bicycle Board if you're going to change the scope.   Rr, quit saying that these things have been approved by the Bicycle Board.  

Will one of you please take responsibility for leading this project and contain errant communications?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Uphill Struggle
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:45:45 -0500
From: Laura Kemp-Rye <>
To: 'John Lozier' <>, 'Gmeindl Frank' <>
CC: 'Newcome Marilyn' <>
References: <>

Hi – I’ve got an even more recent update. Max and I met with Chet Parsons of the MPO today at the Moose. I wanted to work with him to get an estimate for the path. He heard about the whole thing and is really helpful on some next steps to take. I think he sees this as a simple opportunity to get support for the non-vehicular part of the transportation plan, which the county will just have to inch toward.
In the past, he has worked with Barbara Evans Fleisheur (sp?) on Safe Routes To School. He would support and assist in transportation enhancement (through Bikes Belong) and Safe Routes to Schools Grants.
Great meeting overall.  He saw some potential alliances that could all work in the same direction, the Green team, bikes, schools, etc. These are all groups that they’ve had lackluster support from before.
He asked if I would email him the resolution and if you would present it this evening.
Call if you need me.
Laura Kemp-Rye
Office: 304.291.5485
Cell: 304.216.5485

From: John Lozier [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:57 AM
To: Gmeindl Frank
Cc: Laura Kemp-Rye; Newcome Marilyn
Subject: Uphill Struggle
Frank, this is just a heads-up for MPO presentation.
Uphill Struggle met Tuesday and will meet again next Tuesday. I'm leaving for three weeks starting Wednesday, this is why I'm trying not to be the spokesperson, but Marilyn might not be in touch before tonight. We have working groups, budget (and sponsorship goals), good energy, new participants, contacts with Mon County Schools, etc.
In a nutshell, Uphill Struggle is a project to encourage Morgantown residents of all ages to consider bicycles as an appropriate form of transportation. It involves a program of uphill training on Decker's Creek trail, starting in April, and a "main event" on Monongahela Boulevard in August.
Here are two points for you to consider in relation to MPO:
1) Uphill Struggle is considering raising money to create a path (bike, walking) to Mountainview School, from the top ofGrand Avenue. Maybe raise matching funds for WV Transportation Enhancement grant?
2) Uphill Struggle is soliciting endorsements from organizations, perhaps from MPO. (Draft resolution in a separate message.)
John Lozier
"It's an UPHILL STRUGGLE to get folks to think of bikes as TRANSPORTATION"