I've included my changes and comments in the attached file.  Thanks for doing this!

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 17:04:51 -0400
Subject: [Bikeboard] Letter to DOH for STR signs & bike lane

Bicycle Board Members,

Today, I agreed with Damien Davis of the City Engineer's office to draft a letter for the City to send to the WVDOT requesting Share the Road signs and a bike lane for Mon Blvd. to support the Traffic Commissions decision last night to support these.  Attached is the draft letter. 

Does anybody have an electronic copy of the AASHTO guidelines for Bicycle Facility design that you can send me or point me to so I can cite relevant sections for bike lane design?

Also, I would appreciate any constructive edits you could make and return to me by early afternoon tomorrow, Friday.  (Please use Track Changes.)  I want to get this to Damien Davis by COB tomorrow.

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

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