You know?,
I don't speed going up the Blvd. So why don't they patrol it? I remember when there used to be quite a few cops running radar on that hill. Now it's just acceptable.
Well it isn't. It's speeding. Fry 'em.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Gunnar Shogren wrote:
I had problems w/ the whole, "speed limit is X but usually it is faster", like that's just peachy-keen and everything. And there are a fair number of No Parking signs near the top, which of course, get ignored when there are "special events". How convenient.
I like most of the suggestions that go against Mr. Hudson.
I don't want a bike lane. If I choose to go up the Blvd I can, as per my wish ride on the shoulder or take the lane going up, and most likely just take the lane on the way down. Those grates on the way down are deadly. And deadly stupid that someone signed off on them being that way.
Oh, and you guys sure do use some silly fonts. Guess it's a way to amuse yourself whilst at work...
Thanks for doing all this and that and letting us know about it. See you tomorrow!
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Frank Gmeindl fgmeindl@verizon.netwrote:
And, more.
*From:* Damien Davis [] *Sent:* Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:05 AM
*To:* Bill Austin; Frank Gmeindl; Terry Hough *Subject:* RE: Morgantown Bicycle Lane
Bill, on the cross-sections of the Mon Blvd bike lane proposal I show that the shoulder on the PRT side is between 8 and 13.5 feet wide. While the bike lane side is between 7.5 to 13 feet wide
*J. Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, **Assistant** **City** Engineer*
City of Morgantown
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409
*From:* Bill Austin [] *Sent:* Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:15 AM *To:* 'Frank Gmeindl'; Damien Davis; Terry Hough *Subject:* FW: Morgantown Bicycle Lane *Importance:* High
Frank, Damien, Terry,
Please see the correspondence below. I do not believe the proposed signage is adequate or acceptable for addressing the concern expressed by the Bicycle Board. Previous correspondence I have seen says that the shoulder on the down hill side of Mon Boulevard is the same width as on the uphill side. I do not believe that this true. I don’t believe it is either the same width or of the same pavement quality as the shoulder on the uphill side. Can anyone confirm this for me?
The comment below that cyclists on the down slope cannot keep up with traffic is simply a mis-expectation on the writers part. Cyclists should not be expected to match speeds even on flat sections they should be expected to not impede the flow of traffic. These are not the same things. We need to address this misconception quickly. I am not sure how Jim Hudson fits into the picture, I will look into it.
Please let me know your thoughts. I would like to respond to this comment ASAP.
*From:* Hudson, Jim E [] *Sent:* Wednesday, January 06, 2010 8:54 AM *To:* Robinson, Bill C *Cc:* Keller, Perry J; Warner, Richard L; Lewis, Ray C; Shoukry, Fouad N; Bill Austin *Subject:* Morgantown Bicycle Lane
After much thought on the Morgantown Bike Lane issue I think our signage should remain consistent with our signage on other limited access highways. Therefore I propose we limit our signage and roadway markings to those found along Route 50, Route 33, and the East Beckley By-Pass among other places. These signs should be placed on both sides of Monongahela Boulevard and other locations where high-speed and/or high-density traffic and adequate shoulders indicate it is necessary.
While I understand the desire for a “climbing” lane for bicycles, I do not accept the idea that average bicyclists (Class B) can safely maintain the speed of 45 to 50 mph required to keep up with traffic on the downhill side of the road. Bicyclists who want to ride on the road where the signs I propose have been posted are in the same category as those semi drivers who want to drive in the left lane where signage prohibiting trucks in the left lane have been installed.
A photograph of the signage used in these locations is attached to this email.
[image: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)]
Jim Hudson
Community Development Specialist
Building 5, Room 863
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Charleston, WV 25305-0430
(304) 558-9613
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