I guess Derek's absence at Thursday's Bicycle Board meeting can be considered excused.  

Congratulations Derek and Angie!


Begin forwarded message:

From: guitardeek@hotmail.com
Date: September 3, 2010 9:46:18 PM EDT
To: "Grandma" <ida@springston.com>, "Dave Springston" <david@springston.com>, "Marith Adams" <bowiekitten@yahoo.com>, "Andy Shay" <the_crawdad@hotmail.com>, "Anne Miller" <amiller@bankandoffice.com>, "Arash & Bejat Kasaaian" <ArashKas@cs.com>, "Chris Adams" <CAdams1@wans.net>, "Ed and Diane Grych" <edigrych@frontiernet.net>, "Eddie Maier" <morkthedork@hotmail.com>, "Eli Jackson" <eli.jackson@gimail.af.mil>, "Eric Henrickson" <moxiemeister@hotmail.com>, "Erin Morrow" <erin.morrow@gmail.com>, "Sima and Eyob Hailemichael" <simsyobby@hotmail.com>, "Tara Miller" <tmiller@ctleng.com>, "Francis Rengers" <francis.rengers@gmail.com>, "Frank Gmeindl" <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net>, "Bobby Sparks" <sprky_dog@hotmail.com>, "Gen Larimer" <Snowmeow7@yahoo.com>, "Gerald Murry" <gerald_murry@yahoo.com>, "Greg Shaw" <goodspirit@yahoo.com>, "Irshat Madyarov" <irshat@yahoo.com>, "Isidor Domguia-o" <isidor1@marshall.edu>, "Jb Seay" <jbseay@yahoo.com>, "Jamal Derakhshan" <derakhshanjj@hotmail.com>, "Jason Lowther" <trulyfooling1@yahoo.com>, "Jason Springston" <jspringsx@hotmail.com>, "Jeff Christianson" <jrc187@yahoo.com>, "Jennifer Adamson" <jadamson@hsc.wvu.edu>, "Jimmy Mali" <jmali19@hotmail.com>, "Joe Urbati" <jurbati@yahoo.com>, "Joey Angies friend" <shadowsorcerer@hotmail.com>, "John Souther" <possumdee@gmail.com>, "John Whittier" <jnwhit@comcast.net>, "Brian Long" <carguybrian@gmail.com>, "Jon Napier" <nape26@gmail.com>, "Josh Berlin" <josh_berlin@yahoo.com>, "Ken Casto" <coolmanray@hotmail.com>, "Laura Steck" <arualenna@yahoo.com>, "Linda Fritz" <lfritz@access.k12.wv.us>, "Machija Harriman" <machijarx7@yahoo.com>, "Marith Adams" <bowiekitten@yahoo.com>, "Mark Lewis" <lewis115@marshall.edu>, "Mike Robinson" <m.a.j.d.robinson@hotmail.com>, "Moira Shaw" <parvanih@yahoo.com>, "Nancy Ieradi" <nieradi@wvu.edu>, "Nathan Harris" <nathan_r_harris@yahoo.com>, "Nuraniyeh Krasko" <myladywizard@yahoo.com>, "Dennis Pierson" <rstaconstructionllc@hotmail.com>, "Paul Ernisse" <paulwvu@yahoo.com>, "Roy Martin" <royworth@gmail.com>, "Sandy Miller" <smiller19@verizon.net>, "Sasant Nuthakki" <n_bobby@hotmail.com>, "Sharron Hendrick" <sharronhendrick@hotmail.com>, "Shirley and Jim Martin" <jim4martin@hotmail.com>, "Sima and Eyob Hailemichael" <simsyobby@hotmail.com>, "Simon Kelly" <ddiggitydank@yahoo.com>, "Tara Miller" <trmiller91@yahoo.com>, "Tim Hicks" <timothy.c.hicks@gmail.com>, "Tracy Rush" <trushour@yahoo.com>, "Trina Griffith" <trina.griffith@gmail.com>, "Zach Fowler" <zfowler@mix.wvu.edu>
Subject: Baby Simon
Reply-To: guitardeek@hotmail.com

Hey guys,
Simon Burke Springston was born on Wednesday, Sept. 1st at 5:33pm.  He weighed 6 lbs and 15 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.  Angie is doing well.  We'll likely leave the hospital Saturday, Sept. 4th.  I've attached a few pictures for you.  Enjoy!  
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular