Ah, Ha. Veeeeerry Interesting. I earned a 2, but they exaggerate. They list Books a Million as 3.8 miles away, where as it is closer to 8 miles.
But overall. It depicts our lack of walkability in Mon County!
WV Walks - 30 minutes or more daily Feel the power of half an hour!
Bill Reger-Nash, Ed.D Professor of Community Medicine West Virginia University School of Medicine Morgantown WV 26506-9190 Phone: 304/293-0763 Fax: 304/293-6685
Dept. web page: http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/som/cmed BRN's web page: http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/som/cmed/wreger/
John Lozier jl@harpingforharmony.org 2/24/2008 4:53 PM >>>
This website lets you enter a home address and then calculates how "walkable" it is. Very interesting. I'm a 58!
John Lozier "It's an UPHILL STRUGGLE to get folks to think of bicycles as TRANSPORTATION"