The West Virginia
Cycling Foundation website
Is where we keep our information. We are
grateful for their support by providing funding and allowing use of their
The Mid-Ohio Valley
Bicycle Council in the Parkersburg,
WV area extends an invitation
to everyone to join them in their community ride and reception October 30th
at 5:30 pm. For more information, click here.

The West Virginia Helmet
poster and brochures are here!
The helmet safety posters and brochures are
back from the print shop and are beautiful. Many thanks to Stonewall Marketing Group
for donating the creative work for this project!
The posters are 11 x
17 and $10 each.
Let me know if you
would like to order posters or brochures ($2 each) and I will get them
right out to you!
If you have
information on bike shops in your area, please send it my way. I
would like to send them information on the posters and brochures.
October 8,
Ride with WV's Department of Transportation was great!
WSAZ covered our ride with DOT
last Friday. Click here to view it.
The spot will stay online for another week. We are receiving a copy
and will post it as well on the WV Cycling Foundation's website.
The ride
was great! The state and federal employees who rode with us were
wonderful and out numbered us!!! They were genuine folks who are
interested in our input. I am not sure what more we could ask for in
regards to our state and federal representatives. We are excited to
work with these guys and are grateful for their ride invitation!
Legislative committee off to a great start.
The initial gathering of
individuals interested in pursuing legislative change to enhance cycling
safety met last Friday after the ride with DOT.
Steve Fowler, Bill Nottingham,
Greg Garrett, Kim Broughton, Dennis Strawn, Todd West, Frank Gmeindl and John
Francis attended the meeting and agreed on a plan of action for pursing
legislative change.
It is so important that we
present a consistent and coordinated message when dealing with legislative
changes. We are working on documenting
the plan of action and will distribute it soon!
We welcome all comments,
suggestions and help!
Thanks John! Got this from
the City of Lewisburg.
Can you help folks learn about our helmet education?
"John Francis was in City
Hall yesterday to give me the helmet law brochure and poster.
The Chief of Police Tim Stover would like as many brochures as you can
He would like to distribute to the elementary school and also have some in
We would also like to order 6 posters for the police station and school,
Kathy Hoke
City of Lewisburg
Totally awesome! Thanks
John for being such a great ambassador!