Bike Board Members,

It has been requested that I gather some information regarding the campus connector so that Ryan Post and I can present this information to the SGA at an upcoming meeting to bring the matter up again to the attention of the SGA.

Can someone who knows the details of the Campus Connector please email me or Ryan Post this information. I know the basics of the idea that we have discussed in the meetings, but I wanted to get input from those who have worked on it extensively.


Jacob Brown

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Ryan Post <> wrote:

I’m still waiting on any information from Tyler or the bike board.


From: Jonathan Bond []
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 11:53 AM
To: Ryan Post
Subject: RE: Campus Connector


Hey Ryan,


I will see you Wednesday at the sga meeting.  You can keep it very brief regarding the campus connector.  If you could just explain the importance of it, I think it would be nice to get the image back out there to the new president as well as the formation of ideas for the fall.






On 11/13/09, Ryan Post <> wrote:

I got this link today from the MD racing forum although partially unrelated, shows how NYC implemented 3 classes of bike lanes.


Just to clarify, I have time to do the presentation if I’m given the information.  I’ve been to some SGA meetings before, and I found that powerpoints are awkward, and I’d prefer to just speak, and possibly hand out something only if needed.


As far as I’m aware, this issue is only dealing with the path from 8th and Grant up to either the Presidents House or Engineering.  Any references to trail steepness I would prefer to reference another street, such as currently this hill is “as steep as the hill in front of Eisland Hall”, or “this hill will be no steeper than Stewart Street in front of Life Sciences”.


That just seems easier and less boring than 100% of speeches that I’ve heard at SGA meetings that had visual aids.




From: Frank Gmeindl []
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:02 PM
To: Jacob Brown
Cc: Jonathan Bond; Ryan Post
Subject: Re: Campus Connector


Jonathan R., Greg Good, Jenny Selin

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Jacob Brown <> wrote:

Frank and Jon,


I spoke with Ryan Post and he is interested in helping with talking to SGA about the campus connector. He was saying that if we can get the other BB members that know more about the connector to get us the information by Monday, we could get something together for Wednesday. 


Otherwise, Ryan would be available to make the SGA meeting on the 2nd of December, if my other date of the 9th would be too late.


Who do we need to talk to to get more detailed info to the SGA? Jonathan R. and ???


- Jake

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Jacob Brown <> wrote:


I won't have the time to gather the information by next weeks meeting. I'm pretty busy next week with trying to get my final submissions of my thesis in. But once next week is over, I'll have time to meet with the BB members to get what I would need to present to you.

The only other issue is the meeting after Thanksgiving, I will be out of town that week as well. What about the 9th of December, will SGA be meeting that Wednesday? I know it is pretty late in the semester, but it would be the only meeting I could make.

What do you think.

- Jake


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Jonathan Bond <> wrote:



If you could gather some information about the history of the campus connector, and just come and speak to SGA during one of our meetings, I will put you on our agenda.  It does not have to be very long, just enough to spur conversation, and we will find someone to right a resolution on your (and the student's) behalf.  Upon writing this, it should pick up some publicity which would help push the issue even further.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I would love to get you on the agenda before thanksgiving (this meeting or the meeting after thanksgiving would be fine) to get more done THIS SEMESTER.  Just let me know.





On 11/12/09, Jacob Brown <> wrote:

Hmm, I could probably get on board with that. I know the general idea of the campus connector, but I do not really know all of the past details.

Are we talking like a slideshow presentation of a couple slides to present to the SGA. We will have to look at the meeting schedule and see which one we need to hit. Looks like they are Wednesday Nights at 7:30 in the Rhododendron room.

I dont imagine we have time to get ready for next week, and the following week is before Thanksgiving break, so they may forego the meeting then. The 2nd of December I have to be out of town (missing the bike board meeting that week as well) - however, the meeting of the 9th of December would work. I am not sure when they stop having meetings for winter break, but that would give us time to prepare something, and then present it to them that night.

As an aside, not that this really matters, but my student status will also come to an end at the end of the semester as well. But, if we did it on the 9th, then I would still be a student and we would have time to prepare something.


- Jake

I imagine I would want at least one of the other more knowledgable campus connector bike board counterparts involved.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Frank Gmeindl <> wrote:


Good to hear from you!  I hope your career is progressing famously:)

I'm in total agreement with your recommendation.  By copy of this message, I ask Jake if he's willing to present to the SGA.  There is at least 1 other Bicycle Board member and a City Counselor that could support him if he needed it.  (I don't mention their names here because I'd like to discuss with Jake first and then them.)

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles


On 11/12/2009 11:56 AM, Tyler Pearson wrote:

Hi Frank,


I saw the email yesterday about the campus connector and just wanted
to let you know that I forwarded the email over to Jon Bond.  He is
the Student Health Chair of WVU Student Government and has brought up
the campus connector to President Clements on various occasions to try
and garner support from the WVU side.


Jon brought up the idea of having a presentation by someone on the
Bike Board about the campus connector at a SGA meeting.  This would
help give the idea publicity again, and the SGA would also be able to
pass a resolution of support, helping press it forward as a student
issue.  Maybe Jake would be able to do this?


Hope all is well.






Jacob Brown

Jacob Brown

Jacob Brown

Jacob Brown