Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Fletcher <>
Date: June 6, 2012 11:15:11 AM EDT
To: Ella Belling <>
Cc: Christiaan Abildso <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Damien Davis <>, Bill Austin <>, Trevor Lloyd <>, Mark Wise <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, "Hough, Terry" <>
Subject: Re: Walgreens Development in Sabraton


Good morning.  As it appears there have been additional invitations extended to this meeting by Christiaan Abildso and Frank Gmeindl, I want to be sure that all know that this meeting with Bob Abramovich, Walgreens developer, has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 12:30 PM in the Engineering Conference Room at City Hall.

To restate my message that was included in my email yesterday morning to the smaller group, Damien Davis and I have a meeting at the Airport at 1:30 PM and we have other development matters that must be discussed with Mr. Abramovich while he is in town.  Please plan to start our meeting promptly at 12:30 PM allowing for a fifteen to twenty minute discussion of the adjacent rail-trail crossing so that Staff can meet with Mr. Abramovich separately on other development matters.  My apologies for having to limit our time devoted to the rail-trail.  We are trying to coordinate a number of schedules and Mr. Abramovich's trip into Morgantown, but I am confident we can efficiently and effectively discuss the proposed improvements around the rail-trail crossing.


Christopher M. Fletcher, AICP
Director of Development Services
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
(o) 304-284-7413
(f) 304-284-7534
(c) 304-906-7843

From: "Ella Belling" <>
To: "Christiaan Abildso" <>, "Jonathan Rosenbaum" <>, "Christopher Fletcher" <>, "Damien Davis" <>, "Bill Austin" <>, "Trevor Lloyd" <>, "Mark Wise" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:55:10 AM
Subject: Walgreens Development in Sabraton

Hi all,
I have added me, Mark Wise, and Bill Austin to your email on this. Thank you for some time on this.  I appreciate that there is increased sight line visibility but am most concerned about the plan for a Walgreens exit (right turn only) onto Greenbag Road.  This is very close to the trail crossing and drivers will only be looking to left for oncoming traffic.  

I would like to make a plea for a pedestrian / bike crossing stop light at the trail, especially if this is to become a truck route in the future.  We have thousands of trail users each year and this is one of our most popular areas.  It is an important and well used crossing for cyclists and pedestrians.  If it is a matter of cost, then I would like to open the door to partnering to fund it and will include MRTC as a possibility in that mix.  Thanks, Ella

Ella Belling
Executive Director
Mon River Trails Conservancy
P.O. Box 282
Morgantown, WV 26507