I should be avaliable to help at 9 for set up. I can help with one of the stations for most of the day. I am not sure about setting up a separate station I don't have cones. I myself could only do 1 extra station.


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------ Original message------

From: Bridget O'Meara via Bikeboard

Date: Sat, May 12, 2018 8:22 AM

To: bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com;


Subject:[Bikeboard] Bike rodeo events and volunteers

Hi all,

Drew, Marilyn, Harry, and I met last week to layout the bike rodeo and talk about some final details. There was some discussion about having events for adults to participate in. Some ideas were:

1. Introduction to bike maintenance. Jonathan and Jonathan, do you think Positive Spin could put something together? I was thinking something like how to change a flat tire, how to take care of your chain, maybe adjusting breaks, that kind of thing. 

2. Skills test for adults. Does anyone have ideas for this, and would anyone be willing to lead?

We will also need volunteers for setting up, check-in (2-3), and for the rodeo (at least 6). If you can volunteer, please fill out the spreadsheet on the 2018 Bike Month shared folder. If you can't access the folder, just let me know the if you can volunteer, the times (between 9-3) that you will be available, and any preference for what you want to help out with.  

