Good afternoon,
In case this message was buried in your email during the holiday break, I would ask you to please review the video at the YouTube link given and return comments to me by tomorrow. I've only received one comment so far (Thanks Danielle) I will try and work with Robby to get them incorporated and deliver the final video sometime next week.
Thank you,
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
803 East Brockway Ave
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
-----Original Message-----
From: "director" <>
Sent 12/27/2011 12:00:37 PM
To: "Bike Board" <>, "Robert Rexroad" <>, "arathy" <>,
Subject: [Bikeboard] (Nearly) Final version of "Let's Start Biking"
Good morning,
Robby sent me the link to the latest video of "Let's Start Biking" yesterday and I've previewed it and am passing it on for review by the Bicycle Board. I've found 2 minor corrections to be made, but would like to get everybody's inputs and send them all to Rob at once to make the best use of his time. If possible please make the edits in the YouTube comments so everyone can see them and avoid duplicates (150character limit - one edit/comment please) - this requires that you have an account (your Google sign-in). Note that this video is posted so it doesn't show up in a search, you can only view it if you type in the link. Otherwise feel free to email me with your edits and I'll put them on the YouTube page with your name for credit. You can follow up with a call at 304-276-0213 if you think it needs discussion. I'll leave it open for comments for about 2 weeks (until Jan 10) to give everyone a chance to get back from holiday break. Then we should finally be able to release it.
Total running time is 10:09 min
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
803 East Brockway Ave
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
Bikeboard mailing list