Howdy Bicycle Board,

You may have received notice of this short survey from someone else already. If so, consider my forwarding this to you as a reminder to complete it.

If this is the first time you're seeing it, I want to strongly encourage you to set aside some time to fill it out. Your answers will help guide our colleagues who work on a statewide level.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christiaan Abildso <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 11:52 AM
Subject: Help with a statewide interest survey for WVCC
To: Chip Wamsley <>, Ella Belling <>, Marc Glass <>, Mary Wimmer <>, Colin Dierman <>, Rick Landenberger <>, Kelly R. Williams <>, Drew Gatlin <>

Friends -
As I've mentioned to a few of you, through my service as VP of the board of WV Connecting Communities (more info below), I've been working to help our group try to expand our membership and fund our work. We've done well on a shoestring thus far, and I'd like to see us continue. One thought we've had is to judge the interest of trail, outdoor/bike retail, advocacy, race event, and other groups for "group" memberships to serve as policy advisors to our group. We are structured as a 501(c)(3) with the IRS so we can lobby up to 20% of our effort, but may have to change to a 501(c)(4) "Social Welfare Organization" if we want to focus more on lobbying.

I'm asking if you all will complete a very brief online poll and also share it with your statewide networks to assess statewide interest in expanded membership as described below.
It's literally 5 or 6 questions, taking ~5 minutes at most, I hope. The link is 

The introductory letter is:
"West Virginia Connecting Communities is a statewide nonprofit advocating for more bicycling and walking possibilities. Formerly the WV Cycling Association, we restructured in 2013 to be able to lobby on behalf of advocates interested in broader walking and bicycling needs. Since then, we have been able to successfully lobby for policy change (e.g., 3 foot passing law) and hold the first two WV Bicycling Summits in 2016 and 2017.

We are looking to expand our membership and embrace a role to support a broader array of outdoor interest groups including walking, bicycling, and hiking advocacy, non-profit, and industry groups in addition to individual members.

To that end we would like to understand more about your group, organization, or business. We appreciate your time in filling out a few questions on the following pages. This should take less than 5 minutes of your time. 

Feel free to contact Christiaan Abildso, Vice President of the WVCC Board (, Dennis Strawn, President of the Board ( or Kasey Russell, Executive Director ( for more information."

Thank you all!

J.D. Gatlin
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
B58 Engineering Sciences Building
West Virginia University
Chair, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
Morgantown, WV 26505