
Paneras is convient for me. I am not sure if I can make it though. My brother has spiked a fever of 102. I might be at the hospital. Just let me know what time and where and I will try to make it.


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------ Original message------

From: Chip Wamsley via Bikeboard

Date: Thu, Mar 7, 2019 11:33 AM



Subject:[Bikeboard] meeting postponed

Hello everyone,

We need to get together to discuss the following:

Sharrow celebration
Bike to work month activities
Board member recruitment

The MDS Capstone group should be in touch tomorrow and we will see what they have come up with and what work we will have to do. Let me know when everyone would like to meet , days and times available next week so we might try an alternative meeting time that might appeal to more folks.  Also, it might not be a bad idea to meet at a different place, possibly Paneras.  Let me know what times so we can set up a meeeting time.

