On Thursday, February 7, from 2-3pm Eastern, the Safe Routes to School National Partnership is hosting a free webinar:
Since 2005 Safe Routes to School projects have been fully funded by federal transportation dollars. With MAP-21, the new federal transportation law, Safe Routes to School applicants now have to raise at least 20% of project costs to match the federal dollars. This can be a substantial barrier for local applicants, especially those in lower-income communities.
Do you want to understand the new rules on matching funds so you can get prepared for future funding cycles?
Have you wondered how to raise matching funds locally?
Do you want to learn how other states and communities have managed to find matching funds, especially in this austere climate?
Find out the answers to these and other questions, and ask your own, at this free webinar!
Margo Pedroso, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, deputy director
Julie Walcoff, Ohio Department of Transportation, Safe Routes to School coordinator
Jenna Berman, Bicycle Colorado, education director
Highlights include:
A brief explanation of what kind of funds are eligible to be a match, and how it works
Learn about how and why the Ohio Department of Transportation decided to cover the match for local applicants
Learn how communities in Colorado found creative ways to fund their match requirement
A Q&A session via a chat function with webinar attendees
This free webinar is part of a series of monthly National Learning Network webinars on topics related to Safe Routes to School and other policy and program initiatives that can increase walking and bicycling to school and in daily life.