Hey Frank!
This is fabulous stuff and we need to pull together and use each other's strengths.  I would love to help with social marketing.  Can you help us in Parkersburg with some of the things we are just starting to look at that you have made great progress towards?

The information you provided is exactly what we need to gather!  I am working with Bill right now to see if we can open up a public area where folks can provide their information so we can get an inventory of where the strengths are across the state and then we can help each other.  The first step is just finding out what has been done.  I am hoping we an gather that and create a document to use when we do all physically gather so we can do as you say, hit the ground running!

 The information below is a gold mine and needs to be shared!  Thank you so much!  As soon as I hear from Bill I will get back with you!
Thank you so much Frank!

Frank Gmeindl wrote:

If you're trying to identify actions and accomplishments for making the State more bicycle friendly, Morgantown's application for the LAB Bicycle Friendly Community award provides a good summary for Morgantown.  The application is available at http://www.morgantown.com/bike-board-documents/BFC%20Application.zip on the City's web site http://www.morgantown.com/

We didn't win the award but it helped us focus our efforts on the 5Es around which the application criteria are organized: Education, Enforcement, Engineering, Encouragement and Evaluation.  The attached pdf file is LAB's feedback to our application. 

Since our BFC application, we have received WVDOH approval to apply Shared Lane Markings (sharrows) and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs to select Morgantown roadways.  The attached file, Chevron_press_release_v003.doc describes these.  The City has put $35K in the budget for these this year.

Also since our application, the State has given us a WV Transportation Enhancement Program grant for a Morgantown Effective Cycling Education Program.  Attached is the final draft of our application that explains the education program.  Could you help us with the Social Marketing part?

Also at http://www.morgantown.com/bike-board-documents/Accommodating_Bicycles_presesntation_to_MPO_28Feb2008n.pdf on the City's website is a Morgantown Bicycle Board presentation, Accommodating Bicycles, to the Greater Morgantown Metropolitan Planning Organization that provides a plan and goals for accommodating bicycles in the Morgantown Metropolitan Statistical Area.

I know I've pointed you at a lot of stuff.  We've been working on this for over two years.  Reviewing the attached items might help us hit the ground running when we meet.

Frank Gmeindl
LCI #1703
Bicycles fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

Kimberly Jo Broughton wrote:
I will!  Thank you Frank!

Frank Gmeindl wrote:

Thanks for thinking of me.  Let me know when and where.


Kimberly Jo Broughton wrote:
Hey Frank,
Bill Reger-Nahs suggest I touch base with you on a meeting I am working with Bill Robinson to set up regarding the State's next response to the League of American Bicyclists survey that was used to rank states for biking.  The report is due in March and we would like to get bike leaders together and catalog the State's activities in regards to the survey.  I noticed one item in the report I think you are personally doing and could change a no answer to a yes.

Nothing has been set up yet as far as places, dates or times.  I just wanted to let you know we are working on organizing it and want to do all we can to make sure you can be there.  I would appreciate any feedback that could help with that.
Thank you!
Kim Broughton
PARK manager
Adventure Pursuit