
Below are Marilyn's notes on a meeting today with Laura Kemp-Rye and myself. As Marilyn says, the desired outcome of tomorrow's meeting would be Bike Board endorsement and approval of Max's Uphill Challenge as an official activity. The three of us are asking for a few minutes near the beginning of the meeting to answer any concerns about this proposal, and to approve this action so that plans can continue for a launch of activities in early Spring.  

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marilyn Newcome <>
Date: January 2, 2008 8:07:33 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Max's Up Hill Struggle

                             Max's Uphill Struggle
Desired Outcome:
We are asking for the Bike Board's Endorsement and a Motion to approve Max's Uphill Struggle Challenge so that we might seek the Traffic Comission and City Councils approval to hold the event.
Tentative Discussion:
> Additional committee members to help organize and help on the day of the challenge
>Up Hill Struggle is to be held on the Mon. Blvd.
>To celebrate the Chevrons being placed on Mon. Blvd. in Morgantown
>Plan weekly uphill physical and safety training events with interested parties on the rail trail using mentors/models of experienced riders
>Tentative Dates to be discussed for mid to late August, prior to return of WVU students