You qualify for the LCI seminar if you score better than 70 on the Written test and better than 85 on the Road test. I put the wrong scores in my first message.
Also, see Matteo's message below. Dates are now confirmed as March 19-21. Looks like this will fill up quick so better act now.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
From: Matthew Favero [] Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 9:54 PM To: Subject: LCI seminar dates confirmed...
The latest from the League confirms the LCI Seminar dates of March 19th-21st. It is now on their website, and sign-up can begin. See it here. It seems there is more need/desire for this than expected maybe, so I do recommend signing up soon. It is first come first serve, and the one I took last June in Pennsylvania had a cut-off at 15 people. I almost did not make it on, but one person cancelled at the last minute. Thank you all for your excellent communication with me. It will continue as we move closer to the seminar. I will be serving as site coordinator. I've attached some pertinent information to keep you in the know, and on track for having a successful experience. I look forward to continuing to work with you throughout this process.
Matteo Favero LCI #2488
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