Gunnar, I attempted it at work before i left, but it didn't finish. I'm going to try in a minute here at home after i get Simon in bed. Will send an update soon. Thanks. Derek
"Let deeds, not words, be your adorning." -Abdu'l-Baha
"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair fire the future of the human race." -H.G. Wells On Jan 15, 2013 6:42 PM, "Gunnar Shogren" wrote:
Why don't you upload that baby to Dropbox (if you have the space), then share it w/ me. I will then do something w/ it, unshare myself from it (I don't want it chewing up all my space forever), and it will have been transferred. It should fit on a DVD, but certainly not on a regular CD unless you have some really cool compression algorithms...
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Derek Springston wrote:
Hey guys, I will sit down later tonight after a meeting I have and get my son to
to view what Chet emailed and add anything else I may have. We should
to get the Bike Board's GIS data transferred to Jing or whoever else.
stuck at the house after 7:30 tonight with my son, so if anyone would
to volunteer to come get it, we could work on a transfer. I live at 1412 Buckhannon Avenue outside of Sabraton in Brookhaven. The whole folder is less than 3GB, so I may be able to upload it to Dropbox. If not, I could burn a CD or someone could swing by my house with an external hard
drive. I
feel it would be beneficial to have the data for your meeting, but I
be wrong. Sorry I can't attend the meeting during the day. I just can't sacrifice that much time during my work day this week. It may be that
for a few weeks. I'd be willing to meet outside of normal work hours, if need be though. My cell number is 304-290-7727. I'll try to answer in between work, traveling to my meeting, etc...
Thanks again for everything you guys do. I'm excited that the data may
another great opportunity to be useful and less static than it's been
for a
few months. And I look forward to working with Jing and the rest of you guys on this.
Thanks... ~Derek
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Chet Parsons
I apologize for not being available tomorrow. I am fairly certain that
don't have anything that Derek does not have, since he was the impetus
most of the work. I went and pulled up the GIS data that I have
and took a screenshot (attached). This is the bulk of what I have, and includes:
routes with difficulty BFC sign locations service centers bike parking as of 10/2009 destinations as of 04/2010 trailheads share the road signs proposed hospital through route r4-11 signs
There are obviously also all the background data that is necessary to provide context, like streets, parks, water bodies, etc but I assume
has that data at his disposal.
We also used this data to create the KMZ routes that are currently on
Hope this helps!
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Frank Gmeindl
Derek, Chet,
By tomorrow noon, could you please reply with a list of assets that you developed and have as a result of working on the Bicycle Board Mapping
We had great hopes when Danielle was here that we could get everything together in one place. Now, Jing is on board and can probably do that. Jing tried to set up a Mapping Team meeting tomorrow but only gunnar,
I and
Jing will be there. Would it be possible for you to at least reply
with a
list of assets that you have so we can know what we're trying to
Frank D. Gmeindl LCI #1703 491 WilsonAvenue Morgantown, WV 26501 304-376-0446 Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
-- Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the
of the human race.” -H.G. Wells