Good evening, Another good link I came across recently
Good recommendations on amenities that improve bike and pedestrian safety most effectively. I highly recommend reading the full article.
Thanks for that. It's good to see a peer reviewed paper! I especially like the following from page 20 of the referenced Pucher and Dijkstra report: "Special bike lanes leading to intersections that allow bicyclists to pass waiting cars and proceed directly to the front, while cars must wait at a considerable distance from the intersection. Bicycles then fill up the roadway space between the intersection and the stop line for cars. Since bicyclists also get an advance green light, they can clear the intersection before the cars get started." Can you imagine that in Morgantown?! I also like the Dutch and German "woonerf" too. Motor-vehicle in high density areas restricted to walking speed. If they can do it in Germany, we can do it here:)
Lot of good ideas in there. Thanks, again!
director wrote:
Good evening, Another good link I came across recently
Good recommendations on amenities that improve bike and pedestrian safety most effectively. I highly recommend reading the full article.
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