Terrence, Roy,
The Bicycle Board thanks the Pedestrian Safety Board for composing such a compelling, comprehensive and concise letter urging our legislature to enact Complete Streets legislation. We strongly encourage the City's sending it to our delegates. As you know, Complete Streets is a high priority recommended action in the Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan.
Frank D. Gmeindl Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board LCI #1703 491 WilsonAvenue Morgantown, WV 26501 304-376-0446 Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board walkmgw@yahoo.com To: Terrence Moore tmoore@cityofmorgantown.org; Roy Nutter roy.nutter@mail.wvu.edu Cc: Bill Reger-Nash wreger@hsc.wvu.edu; Bill Byrne citycouncilward6@cityofmorgantown.org; Jennifer Selin citycouncilward4@cityofmorgantown.org Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9:41 AM Subject: Re: Complete Streets legislation, AARP, DOH
All - To follow-up on last night's email. Please find attached some text for a letter that I would like to see the TC, City Mgr, and Coucil or Mayor sign and send to our delegates and senators (and/or the leadership of the committees that will make or break the bill), especially our Delegate Pasdon, who serves on the House Roads & Transportation Committee (http://www.legis.state.wv.us/committees/house/HouseCommittee.cfm?Chart=rt); leadership on that committee includes Delegate Staggers - Chair Delegate Phillips, L. - Vice-Chair (***She is a co-sponsor of the bill) Delegate Cowles - Minority Chair Delegate Evans - Minority Vice-Chair
Finance Committee includes Delegate Guthrie (sponsor of the bill) and our Delegate Marshall (co-sponsor of the bill); (http://www.legis.state.wv.us/committees/house/HouseCommittee.cfm?Chart=fin); leadership includes Delegate White - Chair Delegate Campbell, T. - Vice-Chair Delegate Anderson - Minority Chair Delegate Carmichael - Minority Vice-Chair Feel free to contact me with any questions. This is time sensitive, though I don't have an exact date. I'll find out. Could it be taken up at next week's committee of the whole meeting? Remember, the state AARP is lobbying hard for this bill as well. Christiaan
Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board Christiaan Abildso, Chair Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair http://www.morgantown.com/ped-safety-board.htm
From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board walkmgw@yahoo.com To: Terrence Moore tmoore@cityofmorgantown.org; Roy Nutter roy.nutter@mail.wvu.edu Cc: Bill Reger-Nash wreger@hsc.wvu.edu Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 9:07 PM Subject: Complete Streets legislation, AARP, DOH
Roy & Terrence - Bill Reger-Nash and I had an excellent conversation Thursday with Delegates Guthrie (Kanawha), Marshall (our own), Poore (Kanawha), and Phillips (Wyoming); and the director, associate director, and lobbyists for the state AARP. The AARP folks were happily surprised that DOT Sec Mattox was positive about the CS legislation (HB 2316, very brief, see URL below): http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?year=2012&ses...
We may be asked to return for a dinner meeting with some Roads & Transportation and Finance committee members the day prior to the bill being voted on in Charleston. The AARP folks believe that all support to legislators will help. Further, a DOH employee indicated that one of the DOH's potential barriers to CS legislation is that it will "cost more" (hooey because of costly rebuilds, accidents, etc add to direct and indirect costs). Thus, letters of support from the City Manager, Traffic Commission, and/or City Council/Mayor would help.
Please let me know how we may all proceed together or separately. Christiaan
Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board Christiaan Abildso, Chair Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair http://www.morgantown.com/ped-safety-board.htm