Good evening, I hope I haven't stirred up an irreversible hornets' nest with my comments. My apologies to Paula Hunt who has been cc'ed on every exchange. I should have probably have indicated earlier what I have done to date on this issue. I called Chet Parsons and left a voicemail message asking (as an affected cyclist - but not as a bicycle boardmember) to ensure that VanVoorhis has paved shoulders all the way to its end. In the brief (and calm) message I expressed my interest in having VanVoorhis be a safe route from the apartments at West Run and Baker's Ridge to the rail trail and to Suncrest. I also asked him to call me if he had any questions.
Any of you are free to do the same with your recommendations. I'm not sure whether action is required of the bicycle board. I respectfully leave that up to the chairman of the board.
Nick Hein Just some guy on a wierd bike.