Chip asked me to forward this to everyone. Greg
"Chip Wamsley" 04/13/07 11:43 AM >>>
---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Greg Good" Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:30:29 -0400
Hello, In addition to section 10, bicycles are mentioned 11 c & e, 22 (alternate forms of transport), 23 c letters to incoming freshman w/ re to bikes and alt forms of transportation. Only at the very end of the document is there a recommendation to appoint a transportation and parking director.
This document seems to hit all of the points we support. Points to note: 1) document recommends "approved" signs 2) no mention of policy with respect to bikes in dorms; although, they do propose bike storage in dorms 3) mention of free use bikes {commonly known as white bikes), generally a difficult program to administer and usually not very effective 4) the document addresses WVU, with no specific reference in most cases as to which group at WVU should act on specific parts of the plan
It appears relatively complete, yet vague as to who will act upon the proposed recommendations.
Hi all, are there other sections in the plan concerning bikes besides section 10. WVU needs to work with appropriate governmental bodies to increase the number of bike lanes, sidewalks, etc. that provide alternative means of transportation..."?
Frank Gmeindl 4/13/2007 8:21 AM >>>
Tyler, Nick, Greg, Chip, Jim,
This is the kick-off message for us to develop a Bike Board response to the draft WVU Transportation plan. Please always reply all and include whole the thread in your replies. I hope we can get them to recognize that bicycles are vehicles that have the same road access and use privileges as motor-vehicles and plan for the replacement of motor vehicles with bicycles for trips within and between the campuses.
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Bikeboard] WVU Transportation Plan Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 13:48:51 -0400 From: To:
Good afternoon everyone,
I got this email today from the school. It is the draft of the WVU's Transportation and Parking Plan. I haven't gotten a chance to read all of it, but it seems that many of WVU's ideas on improvements for bikes are similar to the Board's. Some of their suggestions we will actually be recommending to the Traffic Commission tonight. There are also some good ideas that may be worth recommending to the city.
In addition, there is mention of working with the Bike Board on bicycle issues. The last day to submit comments is April 19th at The final plan should be released May 15th.
The link to the website is
Personal Message wrote:
Comments on the proposed transportation and parking plan are being solicited through Thursday, April 19. The plan and e-mail address for comments may be accessed through
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