WVCC fall meeting in Fayetteville 10/23.
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From: Kasey Russell russell.kasey@gmail.com Subject: WVCC Meeting October 23rd in Fayetteville Date: September 25, 2015 12:14:26 PM EDT To: Adam Angelona adam@arrowheadbikefarm.com, Adam Flack aflack@wvonthemove.net, Adam Flack aflack1982@gmail.com, Amanda Payne paynea@njrati.org, Amanda Yager a.yager@wvhub.org, Amy Atkins amy.d.atkins@wv.gov, Amy Haden amyhaden@gmail.com, Anita Mayer anita.mayer@mail.wvu.edu, Bethany Williams williamsb@njrati.org, Bill Austin baustin@labyrinth.net, Bill Austin baustin@moncpc.org, Bill Wells bwells@unitedcoal.com, Breanna Shell shellb@cityofhuntington.com, Brendan Bell brendanbell.bell@gmail.com, Bruce Curry Bruce@currydesigngroup.com, Charlene Cook charlenecook1955@aol.com, Charles Holley cholley@cityofhuntington.com, "chip@wamsleycycles.com" chip@wamsleycycles.com, Christiaan Abildso cgabildso@hsc.wvu.edu, Christina Hunt c.hunt@wvhub.org, Connie Lupardus clupardus@caez-wv.org, Craig Slaughter craig.slaughter@wvimb.org, Dale Goff Dale.goff3@gmail.com, Dennis A Strawn dennis.a.strawn@gmail.com, Don Spencer DSpencer36@comcast.net, Edgar Barrett nedbarrett@bellsouth.net, Ella Belling ella@montrails.org, Elliott Lewis eelewis7@gmail.com, Emily Vasile emilyvasile@gmail.com, Emmett Pepper epepper@vt.edu, Frank Gmeindl frank.gmeindl@comcast.net, Gail Pitchford gail.pitchford@camc.org, Gary Zuckett garyz@wvcag.org, Gary Zuckett garyz@wvcaef.org, Gary Zuckett garyz@dishmail.net, Gary Zuckett garyz@mtparty.org, Greg Garrett gagarrett@gmail.com, "harvey.allen@chartersites.net" harvey.allen@chartersites.net, Isaac Forman formanir@gmail.com, j underhill Jfunderhill@gmail.com, Jeffrey Lusk jlusk@trailsheaven.com, Jenny Totten jenny.dawn.totten@gmail.com, John Francis johncfrancis13@gmail.com, John Manchester jmanchester@lewisburg-wv.com, Kate Dobson Forman katedforman@gmail.com, "Laura M. Dice" Laura.Dice@camc.org, Michael Loughney mloughney@tioga-resources.com, Michael Plante mike@planteandassociates.com, Mike Costello costellowv@gmail.com, Nate Orders mail@ordersconstruction.com, Nathan McCray nathanmccray@Hotmail.com, Park Ferguson parkferg2007@yahoo.com, Patricia Clay trishc1@suddenlink.net, Patricia Clay trishcgm@gmail.com, Patrick Donovan pjdonovan83@yahoo.com, Rahul Gupta rahul.gupta@wv.gov, Rich Harper johnscyclery@frontier.com, Richard Eichberger reichberger@suddenlink.net, Scott Ferry scottferry@wvregion3.org, Scott Sudduth scottsud@gmail.com, Spellman Kent k.spellman@wvhub.org, "sryder@tgkvf.org" sryder@tgkvf.org, Stacy Bisker selaineb@gmail.com, Steve Fowler smf@pffwv.com, Susie K Salisbury Susiesalis@aol.com, Ted Armbrecht eca3@suddenlinkmail.com, Tom Heywood theywood@bowlesrice.com, Tom Lane tlane@bowlesrice.com, Tom Wood twood84@gmail.com, "townoffayetteville@suddenlinkmail.com" townoffayetteville@suddenlinkmail.com, "voicetalent@amiebreedlove.com" voicetalent@amiebreedlove.com, weber xvrweber@gmail.com, "wrnott@suddenlink.net" wrnott@suddenlink.net, WV Explorer editor@wvexplorer.com
Hello WVCC Members, Supporters and Board: Please find attached the invite letter for our fall membership meeting. We are meeting at Adventures on the Gorge on the 23rd -- we will have our board meeting, reception, dinner and a meeting to kick off the New River Gorge Trail Alliance. It will be a productive, interesting, cool meeting with good food and beautiful views!! Please share this invite with anyone you think might be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend and need accommodations (we have a few rooms) Friday night (we do have a bike ride and walk planned for Saturday morning), please let me know right away.
I have to let Adventures on the Gorge know how many we have attending by Oct. 16th (see invite letter for more details). They are waiving the $2500 room rental fee because the owners see the value in creating a regional trail system.
I hope that many of you are planning to attend our meeting!! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Kasey Kasey Russell 304.542.1994