Mr. Gmeindle:
Thank you for submitting your recommendation. I will incorporate same into the proposed revisions that the Planning Commission will be reviewing this Thursday at their regular monthly meeting.
Christopher M. Fletcher, AICP
Planning Director
City of Morgantown
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
304.284.7431 (o)
304.284.7534 (f)
From: Frank Gmeindl [] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:21 PM To: Chris Fletcher Cc: Ron Justice; Dan Boroff; Don Spencer; Subject: Bicycle Storage
Christopher M. Fletcher, AICP Morgantown Director of Planning 389 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505
Following is a response to your request of Don Spencer for the Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board's recommendation on bicycle storage space for multi-family dwellings in areas zoned B-4. Based upon precedents set by cities of similar size and demographics, we recommend the following MINIMUM guidelines:
* 1 indoor, secured, sheltered bicycle storage space per dwelling unit should be provided. (Ideally 2 spaces per dwelling unit should be provided.) * Each space should be a minimum of 3-feet x 6-feet x 4-feet * Each bicycle should be able to be individually secured with a lock to a permanent structure. * There should also be sufficient space for easy access to each bicycle.
Please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address or phone number below to discuss. Also, please reply with confirmation of your receipt of this letter.
Frank Gmeindl, Chairman Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board Email: Phone: 304-376-0446
Betsy Shogren, Secretary Email: Phone: 937-602-4483