Good morning, I was cleaning out my inbox and came across this survey I was asked to fill out a few months ago and thought it might be of interest as we've talked about creating surveys here. I like the technique they use of asking importance and then weighting it with a relevance. Please feel free to contribute to the survey if you feel qualified to do so, it appears to be open still. Looking forward to seeing who's out riding in the snow today. Nick
---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Jennifer McLaughlin Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:14:16 -0700
October 7, 2010
Dear Mr. Hein,
The San Francisco Department of Public Health is developing a quantitative index to measure the quality of the bicycle environment to serve as a tool for public health, transportation, and land use planning. We are requesting that you participate in a brief survey to help us develop weights for each component variable in the index.
Our Bicycle Environmental Quality Index (BEQI) is intended to translate environmental variables into a set of provisions for a healthy bicycle environment and can inform neighborhood planning and prioritize improvements through land use plans, transportation plans, and environmental assessments. From a public health perspective, improving the quality of the bicycle environment can support physical activity through active transportation, increase social cohesion, and reduce air pollution, noise and injuries associated with driving.
Thus far, we have identified indicators that are empirically known to affect bicycle environmental quality and have subdivided the indicators into five domains: Intersection Features, Vehicle Traffic, Street Design, and Land Use. The indicators were chosen to correspond with an urban bicycle environment, some features typically used for all street types and others primarily for arterial streets.
We are asking you to help us develop indicator values and indicator weights by doing the following:
1. Rate the importance of each proposed indicator for bicycle environmental quality and safety in our index on a scale from 1 to 5 (not important to essential). 2. For each indicator, rate the relative contribution to bicycle environmental quality and safety of the proposed indicator values on a scale of -5 to +5 (significantly reduces bicycle environmental quality and safety to significantly benefits bicycle environmental quality and safety).
For ease of completion, we have created an online survey with additional instructions available. BEQI Survey -
We are requesting that participants respond by October 21, 2010.
You can also read more about the BEQI development and methodology at
We sincerely appreciate your willingness to help us in this endeavor. Please do not hesitate to contact Jen McLaughlin directly at 415-252-3879 should you have any.
Thank you again for your time. Jen McLaughlin
Jen McLaughlin, MS Environmental Health Planner San Francisco Dept. of Public Health, Environmental Health 1390 Market St., Suite 822 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 252-3879
-- Nick Hein LCI# 1705 Director, Positive Spin 803 East Brockway Ave Morgantown, WV ph 304-276-0213 --
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:11 AM, director wrote:
Good morning, I was cleaning out my inbox and came across this survey I was asked to fill out a few months ago and thought it might be of interest as we've talked about creating surveys here. I like the technique they use of asking importance and then weighting it with a relevance. Please feel free to contribute to the survey if you feel qualified to do so, it appears to be open still. Looking forward to seeing who's out riding in the snow today.
Betsy and I and at least one other were riding on the rail trail this morning. And then I was riding in town @ 8:30. Don't think I saw anyone else.
---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Jennifer McLaughlin Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:14:16 -0700
October 7, 2010
Dear Mr. Hein,
The San Francisco Department of Public Health is developing a quantitative index to measure the quality of the bicycle environment to serve as a tool for public health, transportation, and land use planning. We are requesting that you participate in a brief survey to help us develop weights for each component variable in the index.
Our Bicycle Environmental Quality Index (BEQI) is intended to translate environmental variables into a set of provisions for a healthy bicycle environment and can inform neighborhood planning and prioritize improvements through land use plans, transportation plans, and environmental assessments. From a public health perspective, improving the quality of the bicycle environment can support physical activity through active transportation, increase social cohesion, and reduce air pollution, noise and injuries associated with driving.
Thus far, we have identified indicators that are empirically known to affect bicycle environmental quality and have subdivided the indicators into five domains: Intersection Features, Vehicle Traffic, Street Design, and Land Use. The indicators were chosen to correspond with an urban bicycle environment, some features typically used for all street types and others primarily for arterial streets.
We are asking you to help us develop indicator values and indicator weights by doing the following:
1. Rate the importance of each proposed indicator for bicycle environmental quality and safety in our index on a scale from 1 to 5 (not important to essential). 2. For each indicator, rate the relative contribution to bicycle environmental quality and safety of the proposed indicator values on a scale of -5 to +5 (significantly reduces bicycle environmental quality and safety to significantly benefits bicycle environmental quality and safety).
For ease of completion, we have created an online survey with additional instructions available. BEQI Survey -
We are requesting that participants respond by October 21, 2010.
You can also read more about the BEQI development and methodology at
We sincerely appreciate your willingness to help us in this endeavor. Please do not hesitate to contact Jen McLaughlin directly at 415-252-3879 should you have any.
Thank you again for your time. Jen McLaughlin
Jen McLaughlin, MS Environmental Health Planner San Francisco Dept. of Public Health, Environmental Health 1390 Market St., Suite 822 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 252-3879
-- Nick Hein LCI# 1705 Director, Positive Spin 803 East Brockway Ave Morgantown, WV ph 304-276-0213 --
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