Last night, gunnar presented the unicycle report to City Council. They seemed to agree with it but because it hadn't been run by the Traffic Commission yet, they sent it back to the TC. Tonight I presented it to the TC and they voted to accept it and to recommend to City Council that they take no action on unicycles.
The Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan requires quarterly progress reports. Since Council adopted the plan May 1, this first report is due today. At tonight's TC meeting, I reminded the TC of this and requested that the TC take appropriate action to get it. The TC chair, Roy Nutter agreed to write a message to the City Manager reminding him that the report is due. I also requested that the police include in the report the number of motorist-bicyclist rights and duties cards they've distributed to motorists and to bicyclists and why they gave them.
The City Engineer's office (Damien) reported; 1. The Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane won't be installed until October at the earliest. 2. Two bicycle friendly community signs have been erected: one on Mon Blvd. by the Coliseum and one on South University Av. by Aldi's. He has 10 more signs. While we recommended 6 locations, the two signs erected are not at the exact locations that we recommended. WVDOH didn't like 3 of our locations and will not put signs there. 3. Walgreen's and WVDOH will install additional signs to keep motorists who are exiting Walgreen's onto Green Bag Rd. from running over bicyclists and pedestrians who are in the crosswalk on the Decker's Creek trail.
See you tomorrow night. Please remember to come prepared to say what you want to do in the next 12 months to accomplish the BB's mission.
P.S. Enforcement action #7 and Evaluation action #2 state: “Measure bicycle use, bicycle crashes, bicycle injuries, and bicycle-related citations and publish the results quarterly and yearly. Analyze data to identify opportunities for increasing bicycle use and reducing crashes. Every year, 2 months before the beginning of the City's annual budget cycle, conduct an annual review with City Council, Chief of Police, City Engineer and the Bicycle Board of trends in bicycle use, bicycle crashes, bicycle injuries and, bicycle-related citations and identify required changes to the Bicycle Plan and related plans and operations.”