If you have ideas for improving the University Avenue corridor, please go to http://universityavenuecorridor.mindmixer.com/topics/all create an account, mark up the map and describe your ideas.
The Morgantown Monongalia MPO in cooperation with the City of Morgantown and WVU, has initiated the University Avenue Complete Streets corridor study (from WV 7 (Don Knotts Blvd.) to WV 705 (Patteson Dr.)). The purpose of this study is to look at physical improvements to this important corridor including Complete Streets applications, economic development, intersection laneage, safety and multimodal improvements. The corridor width extends down to Beechurst and up to the top of Wiles Hill.
The contractor performing the study is very bicycling friendly and bicycling knowledgeable. In fact, one of the project managers is a Master League Cycling Instructor who co-founded the organization BikeSmart-GrowSmart and has taught hundreds of people to ride safely in traffic.
Bicyclists had a major impact on the Green Bag Rd. redesign because more cyclists than others, e.g. truckers, businesses, residents showed up for the public meetings and showed the MPO what needs to be done to make it better accommodate bicyclists. We can do the same on the University Avenue corridor. There will be public meetings in Sept-Oct. Let's get our ideas submitted so they'll be considered by the MPO, City, contractor and the public.