---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Frank Gmeindl" fgmeindl@verizon.net Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:19:07 -0500
Sounds like a good meeting. Its interesting that Maryland actually hired a qualified person with experience who actually wants to do what he was hired for and most likely wasn't someone in state govt's brother in law. I like his comment on fear of liability, as that was the stumbling block getting bike clubs in the local schools.
Could we get copy of the Cumberland comprehensive plan? It might give us some ideas to get Morgantown to do something similar. As for the bikeable city app, looking at last years feedback, a lot of things have changed that make Morgantown look a lot more favorable.
Bicycle Board Members,
Today, I had the most wonderful meeting with Michael Jackson, Maryland DOT Director Bicycle and Pedestrian Access; Dave Umling, Cumberland City Planner; John DiFonzo, Cumberland City Engineer; Larry Brock Western MD Wheelmen rep and Cumberland Bicycle Advisory Board Chair, Greg ? County employee and Theresa Michels, Downtown Development Commission Rep and owner of the Queen City Creamery where we met.
Can you believe that Mr. Jackson began his time on the agenda by passing out the bicycle section of the new MUTCD and explaining Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs and very strongly encouraging Cumberland to use them. He gave specific examples of where Cumberland should consider putting them. He gave a very thorough explanation of how they are appropriate for Cumberland given its narrow streets and hilly terrain. He explained how cyclists should take the lane when it's too narrow to be passed safely. He explained that cyclists are not impeding traffic if they are proceeding at a reasonable pace for cyclists. He explained how cyclists have the same rights to the roads as motorists but sometimes motorists must be reminded of that, particularly when the bicyclist can't go fast.
He then went on to review the 5 Es and then to suggest approximately 10 ideas covering the Es for Cumberland to consider implementing to make Cumberland a more bicycle friendly community. For example, under encouragement, he suggested Cumberland consider having "cyclo via" days on which certain streets are closed to all but bicycle traffic!
He said that the MDOT is surveying Maryland's 22 school districts to determine school policies on encouraging kids to ride to school. He said the state is going to help the schools increase ridership by establishing bicycle coordinators in the schools and by ensuring continuous safe routes to the schools. They are also going to hold the school administrators accountable for measuring ridership and for showing an increase.
In addition to having experience as multi-modal transportation coordinator in California and working with transportation engineers, Mr. Jackson is also an attorney specializing in liability and torts. He recognizes that some officials resist bicycling because of fear of liability. He is spearheading a MDOT research project to clarify and reduce liability.
Mr. Jackson was not only familiar with just about all US bicycle advocacy work but he also very familiarly cited details of several activities in Germany, England, Denmark, Holland and Canada.
Cumberland submitted a Bicycle Friendly Community award application last year and got honorable mention and feedback. They already had a comprehensive bicycle plan which the City Planner wrote. They are marching through each of the BFC feedback items and updating their plan to address each and every one of them. One of their feedback items was to establish local League Cycling Instructors. They hired me to make that happen.
BTW, attached is the LAB feedback to our 2007 BFC application.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles