Bicycle Board Members,
Today, the City of Morgantown and WVDOH verbally agreed to split the cost of the Monongahela Boulevard bicycle climbing lane 50/50. Looks like the lane will be installed July 2012.
On July 27 of this year, Roy Nutter, Traffic Commission Chairman and I met with Terrence Moore, City Manager to try to get some forward progress on the bike lane. The outcome of that meeting was Terrence setting up today's meeting.
At today's meeting, the participants agreed to draft an MOU that specifies the cost share based on a $25K total cost estimate. Terrence stated that he will budget $12.5K for the bike lane as a priority capital improvement project in the FY2012-2013 budget which the City Council must approve next March.
Bill Austin agreed to take responsibility for getting the MOU done. I suppose it won't be in effect until Paul Mattox, Secretary WVDOT signs it. I guess Terrence will sign it. I don't know what WVU's role will be in it. Bill also agreed to expedite any Transportation Improvement Plan amendments necessary to get the bike lane into the WVDOH transportation plan.
Today's meeting was attended by: Rob Pennington, WVDOT (by phone) Perry Keller, WVDOH (by phone) (Rob and Perry rode with us to the foot of the bike lane at last year's MPO conference)
Terrence Moore, City Manager Terry Hough, City Engineer Damien Davis, Assistant City Engineer
Randy Dunlap, WVU Director of Facilities and Planning Joe Fisher, MMPO Chairman and former WVU Director of Facilities and Planning Hugh Kierig, WVU Director of Parking and Transportation
Bill Austin, Executive Director MMPO
Roy Nutter, Chairman, Morgantown Traffic Commission Frank Gmeindl, Fly on the Wall
On December 8, 2010, Paul Mattox, Secretary WVDOT wrote a letter to Narvel Weese, WVU VP Finance and Administration saying that he agreed with the bike lane but needed a traffic management plan for closing the bike lane when WVU needs to park cars on it. This was discussed at today's meeting and it seemed like everybody was in agreement about what would be done but I didn't hear anybody taking the responsibility to document it so I don't know what's going to happen with that.