Jonathan, et al, Concerning the WVU committee, I'm forwarding this response I sent to Brett White last nite. I'd suggest you contact him with a message that a substantial reduction can be made in WVU's energy usage in the area of transportation.
I had contacted him as a non-governmental organization with suggestions about the things that NGOs usually do (non-infrastructure low-budget things like education, research, amenities). The bike board could talk to them about infrastructure and other items that require more planning and funding.
I have some concern that he'll be limited in his scope to facilities, but if that's the case I hope he has a counterpart working to reduce transportation energy use who will be at the meeting.
In any case we should attend the program kickoff meeting Oct. 1.
Nick Hein
---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "director " Reply-To: Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 23:30:06 -0400
Brett, As director of Positive Spin I'm excited to read about the WE CAN program and I'd like to know how we can help. Our mission is to support Morgantown citizens who walk, bike, bus and carpool for a better environment.
We realize that WVU bus/PRT transit is already the envy of the nation and we'd like to know what we could do to bring pedestrian, bike and carpooling to a comparable level. I just received this link about the Ft. Collins campus bike loan program and wonder if you would consider something similar at WVU:
We are just as interested and committed to supporting walking and carpooling to an extent that will reduce the traffic load in town and on campus. Although we are a volunteer organization we would welcome the opportunity to share our information and resources in any way that improves things for those who live, move and breathe in our community.
Please give me a call at your convenience if you wish to discuss this further.
Nick Hein Director, Positive Spin Morgantown, WV ph 304-276-0213
---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Brett White" Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 13:42:49 -0400
Community Partner-
We would like you to invite you to attend a major WVU event/announcement. I've attached a PDF of the invite for your convenience.
WVU is kicking off our new Energy Conservation Program, WE CAN (West Virginia University Environmental Conservation Awareness Now) on October 1, 2007 at 12:00 p.m.
We will have a major event in the Mountainlair commons area with WVU President Mike Garrison, WV DEP Secretary Stephanie Timmermeyer and WVU Student Body President David Kirkpatrick.
This is a major initiative for WVU and the CCE is one of the main sponsors of the program, so we would like to have as many community members at the event as possible.
There will be free giveaways and prize drawings for all who attend.
Also, we will be holding a lightbulb exchange. You can bring in an old incandescent light bulb and we will exchange it for a new CFL bulb...for free!!!
We hope you will consider joining us. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to me at
We hope to see you there! Thanks for your commitment and partnership.
Brett J. White Administrative Assistant Sr. Center for Civic Engagement West Virginia University PO Box 6412, 109 White Hall Morgantown, WV 26506
Phone: (304) 293-8761 x4481 Fax: (304) 293-2906 Email: ( ) ( )