Lawsuit tests use of coal ash for remediating mine waste
Posted: Jun 26, 2013 2:50 PM EST Updated: Jun 26, 2013 2:57 PM EST
By Pam Kasey
Residents living near the LaBelle Refuse Site, a coal waste site located
along the Monongahela River in southwestern Pennsylvania, are going to court
over what they claim is illegal disposal of coal ash and treatment of coal
mine waste.
The Citizens Coal Council, a national alliance of citizens' groups, filed a
AL_CCC%20Canestrale%20Complaint.pdf> legal complaint against Matt Canestrale
Contracting Inc. on June 26 in the U.S. District Court for the Western
District of Pennsylvania. Attorneys from the Environmental Integrity
Project, Public Justice, and Goldberg, Persky & White P.C. representing CCC
announced the lawsuit.
Canestrale disposes of more than 100,000 tons per year of coal combustion
residuals, or CCRs - commonly known as coal ash - from FirstEnergy's
Mitchell plant and GenOn Energy's Elrama plant at an old,
unlined coal waste disposal site at LaBelle, Pa., on the Monongahela River
south of Pittsburgh.
It's an activity FirstEnergy calls a "
energy-announces-plans-to-beneficially-use-scrubber-materia.html> coal mine
reclamation project" and CCC's attorneys call a "coal ash mine dump" - a
difference of language that points to a gap, a still ill-formed gray area,
in the ongoing dialogue about the disposition of CCRs.
Electric utilities and coal producers like to mix alkaline coal ash with
acidic coal mine refuse as a mine remediation technique.
Both industries claim it's a mutually beneficial arrangement that makes good
use of what otherwise would be alkaline power plant waste to solidify and
neutralize coal refuse that otherwise would create acidic, polluting runoff
and leachate.
But citizens' and environmental groups point to evidence that the acidic and
alkaline materials don't neutralize each other and the coal ash doesn't
solidify, and that adding coal ash to coal refuse only increases the
leaching of toxic substances.
But there's not yet any clear regulatory guidance.
The Environmental Protection Agency encourages beneficial re-use of any
waste product for substances that are judged to be safe. For CCRs, that can
mean, for example, re-use in cement block or in drywall.
For CCRs that aren't re-used, the agency currently is in a long-delayed
process of determining whether those that are disposed of should be
regulated as hazardous waste or as household waste.
But even that won't address the question of their use for coal mine
reclamation. That is expected to be addressed by the federal Office of
Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement, possibly not until after the
EPA's delayed rules are finalized.
"One of the goals of this suit is to illustrate that we do need a good rule
from OSM," said Public Justice attorney Richard Webster.
The June 26 complaint alleges that Canestrale is violating the federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and state laws designed to protect
rivers and streams as well as laws that reduce fugitive particulate matter
The refuse site is polluting local streams with high levels of sulfate,
iron, manganese and other salts that damage fish and other aquatic life,
according to suit. It also is leaking aluminum, manganese, sulfates and
total dissolved solids into groundwater at levels that are above
Pennsylvania drinking water standards.
Fugitive particulate matter also blows from trucks hauling coal ash without
required covers, the suit states.
Concerns about pollution caused by the refuse site prevent local residents
from hunting, fishing and engaging in outdoor recreation along the
Monongahela River and its tributaries near the dump, the groups say.
Canestrale currently is seeking the site's third permit renewal since it
opened in 1998, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
And when FirstEnergy committed earlier this year to close its Little Blue
Run coal ash impoundment at the West Virginia-Pennsylvania border by 2017,
it announced that it would shift the disposal of 3 million tons per year of
power plant scrubber waste to the LaBelle Refuse Site.
The arrangement would have to be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, the company said at the time.
>From the National Journal. Full story at:
"The coal industry hopes that even if U.S. coal production shuts down,
it could find salvation in overseas markets, by exporting coal to China
and Europe. But Obama put the kibosh on that this week, too. He called
on all world governments to end public funding for coal-fired power
plants—a move the U.S. can enforce through its influence in
organizations like the World Bank. "That definitely sent a signal that
the U.S. doesn't support coal in the world," said Jennifer Morgan, an
analyst with the World Resources Institute, a think tank."
In the coming weeks, the {Coal Lobby} will roll out a new
public-relations and lobbying blitz aimed at resetting its message and
defusing antagonism with the administration. Instead of saturating Fox
News with "war on coal" ads, the group will send Duncan on cable news
and the editorial-board circuit to talk about coal's role in the economy
and how to create a "path forward" for with new technology.
Anyone want to speculate on what the efforts on coal exports will do?
I have not followed that aspect of Obama's Climate Action Plan.
And the key pitch of the story is that the Coal lobby will have to
surrender the "War on Coal" rhetoric, and ask the Obama Administration
for help, or it won't survive at all.
Jim Kotcon
fyi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Dow <ddow420(a)>
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 9:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: [CONS-EQST-WATER-FORUM] Study: Drinking Water Contamination
Linked to Fracking, Horizontal Drilling | Common Dreams
To: Alison Robb <nature(a)>, Paul Wilson <pjgrunt(a)>, Becky
Bartovics <bartovi(a)>
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *John S Glenn <Johnsglenn(a)>
*Date: *June 26, 2013 9:17:37 AM EDT
*Subject: **[CONS-EQST-WATER-FORUM] Study: Drinking Water Contamination
Linked to Fracking, Horizontal Drilling | Common Dreams*
We all knew that years ago; what happens henceforth? Just guess.
Published on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 by Common Dreams
Study: Drinking Water Contamination Linked to Fracking, Horizontal Drilling
Concentrations of methane in drinking water near gas wells six times higher
than levels farther away
- Andrea Germanos, staff writer
<snip - more >
John S Glenn
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Julia Reitan" <julia.reitan(a)>
Date: Jun 24, 2013 4:07 PM
Subject: CONFERENCE CALL TUES (Jun 25): Obama Climate Plan and the Sierra
TO: Chapter Staff and Volunteer Leaders
FR: Office of Chapter Support: Julia Reitan, Gwyn Jones, Greg Casini
Please join the call if you can!
Obama Climate Plan and the Sierra Club
Please join us at 9pm EST, 6pm PST Tuesday evening for a call with Michael
Brune to report on the President's Climate Change Plan announcement and the
Club's response. Mary Anne Hitt, Beyond Coal Campaign Director, will also
discuss details of the anticipated announcement on power plant standards.
There will be Q&A with Michael Brune and Mary Anne Hitt for questions
submitted in advance or during the call via email. If you have specific
questions please email them to michael.bosse(a) ahead of or
during the call. Please share this invitation with other members and
supporters of the Sierra Club.
Tuesday 9pm EST, 6pm PST
Julia Reitan
Director, Office of Chapter Support
Sierra Club
85 Second St, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To
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CCL-CHAPTER-CHAIRS-signoff-request(a)LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG Check out our
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fyi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Becki Clayborn <becki.clayborn(a)>
Date: Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:29 PM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] WEBINAR: Help Stop Toxic Water Pollution
from Power Plants!
To: #Coal-Volunteers <coal-volunteers-list(a)>
Help Stop Toxic Water Pollution from Power Plants! Join us for
a Webinar on Thursday June 27th at 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT
EPA has proposed a rule that could end the dumping of toxic water pollution
from coal power plants! Coal power plants are the source of nearly
three-quarters of the toxic water pollution in this country, dumping
millions of pounds of poisons into the water each year (ie: arsenic,
selenium, boron, cadmium, mercury and lead) which in turn can affect our
drinking water, fishing areas and local rivers and streams. The water
pollution standards for coal plants are 31 years old, and 4 out of 5 plants
lack any limits on the toxic metals they emit. This EPA rule is about to
change that.
This summer we will focus much of our field work on showing strong support
for this standard to reduce toxic water pollution from coal plants. Our
successful demonstration of public support for water standards on coal
fired power plants will protect our communities from dangerous chemicals
that can lead to birth defects, cancer and even death.
To learn more about the toxic water pollution standard for power plants,
and the activities that will help build support across the nation, please
join us for this webinar on June 27 at 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT.
Speakers will cover the details of the rule; how the rule will affect power
plants, examples of activities and events in the works for the summer, and
the next steps to take locally. There will also be a Q&A session at the
end of the call.
This call will be recorded for future viewing.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at: *Title:* Help Stop
Toxic Water Pollution from Power Plants! *Date:* Thursday, June 27, 2013 *
Time:* 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT After registering you will receive a
confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. *System
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees
Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet
Becki Clayborn
Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign
Internal Capacities and Communications Coordinator
Chicago, IL
630-881-3480 (cell)
To access the Beyond Coal Campaign Resource Portal, go to:
To sign up for this list, email becki.clayborn(a) with the
subject and message "SUBSCRIBE #coal-volunteer"
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
>>> Angie Rosser <arosser(a)> 6/13/2013 6:04 PM >>>
Triennial Review Public Hearing on July 15, 6:00pm.
Comment period ends July 29th.
Next step: Angie will pull together draft comments and will circulate
those next week for group review and editing.
The West Virginia Department of Environmental
Protection has scheduled public hearings for its 2014 proposed
legislative rules for the Division of Water and Waste and Voluntary
Remediation and Development Program. All three hearings will take place
at the DEP’s Charleston headquarters, 601 57th Street S.E., Charleston,
WV 25304. Oral and written comments will be limited to the proposed
revisions and will be made a part of the rulemaking record. Copies of
the rules are available from the Secretary of State’s office or from the
DEP at You may also obtain printed
copies of the information by calling the phone numbers listed below.
Written comments may be submitted to the Public Information Office at
the above address. Comments may also be e-mailed to DEP.Comments(a)
The hearing date, location and time for all three rules are the same.
The public record will be opened, comments will be taken, the record
closed and then the next rule will follow.
Division of Water and Waste Management
47CSR2 – Requirement governing Water Quality Standards The comment
period for this rule ends July 29, 2013.
47CSR5A – Rules for Individual Certification of Activities Requiring a
Federal Permit The comment period for this rule will end at the
conclusion of the hearing.
The public hearing for these rules will begin at 6 p.m., Monday, July
15 in the Coopers Rock Training Room. For more information on the Water
and Waste Management Rules call 304-926-0495.
Division of Land Restoration
60CSR30 – Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Rule
The public hearing will begin at 6 p.m., Monday, July 15 in the Coopers
Rock Training Room. The comment period will end at the conclusion of the
For more information on the Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment
rule call 304-926-0455.
Subject grad ass't. position Marcellus/birds
Cynthia D. Ellis
RR 1 Box 163
Red House, WV 25168
304 586-4135
304 206-0083
Thousands have lived without love---not one without water.
~W.H. Auden
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*Utilities, solar advocates battle over future
Distributed generation threatens century-old business model of electricity
( by Lenny Bernstein , The Washington Post)
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
fyi, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Dow <ddow420(a)>
Date: Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 6:56 PM
Pro-Fracking Greens Called Out in Ecologist Sandra Steingraber's New
Manifesto <>
By Jeff Biggers, YES! Magazine
In a statement, ecologist Sandra Steingraber denounced Illinois’ new
fracking regulations and described the need for a movement dedicated to
abolishing fracking nationwide. READ
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
>From my backlog of e-mail, here is an idea for a new initiative. DEP is required to do a review of water quality standards every three years. In preparation for that, they solicited public comments last fall (available at:…
Among the environmental groups, Appalachian Mountain Advocates recommended a standard for conductivity, John and Petra Wood recommended standards for conductivity, sulfates ad TDS, and Duane Nichols recommended a TDS standard.
Not surprisingly, First Energy wants to weaken the arsenic standard.
And AEP wants to limit the Category A (Public water supply) implementation, as well as restrict uses of the Stream Condition index (benthic insects), rescind the selenium Acute criterion, and weaken standards for mercury, beryllium, iron and aluminum (the aluminum and beryllium changes happened in the Legislature this year).
Although we missed the deadline for initial comments, it would be a good step for us to support a WQS for TDS or conductivity as an extra tool for Marcellus activities, and adding a sulfate standard would be useful for coal-related impacts, as this is the dominant toxicant in TDS, and needs a stand-alone standard.
Whaddya tink?
Jim Kotcon
P.S. Please keep the message form the "mole" below to ourselves.
Here are some comments from a mole in the water office.
What I'm hearing is that it would be good for the environmentalists to request that DEP develop a sulfate criteria, that the Legislature needs to be lobbied to pass the TDS standard, and that they should be keeping up with what DEP's watershed assessment branch is doing with the fish IBI. Both our water quality standards group, Kevin Coyne and Watershed Assessment Branch, John Wirts are willing to meet with them to help them understand what DEP is doing. That used to happen but the enviros have not requested a meeting for a long time. They should try to meet with the staffers vs the politicos to get the best info. There is alot of room for intereference and influence on the fish IBI so it would be best not to let industry get the upper hand.
As far as the specifics below, it all looks good. DEP staff feels pretty confident about the fecal coliform/e coli switch and don't see much of a threat there, but welcome the comments. It is suggested that Michael Becher, Appalachian Mt. Advocates is knowledgeable on the Category A issue listed here, but this group is probably aware of that.
Alpha closing Justice No. 1 mine in Boone County.
Jim Sconyers
Remember, Mother Nature bats last.
*There is no Planet B!*
Disincentives to energy efficiency can be
Posted: 04 Jun 2013 12:35 PM PDT
A new study finds that utilities aren't rewarded for adopting energy
efficiency programs, and that reforms are needed to make energy efficiency
as attractive as renewables.
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
Sad, isn't it. Even a Democrat has to kiss King Coal's butt.
On Jun 4, 2013 10:18 AM, "Paul Wilson" <pjgrunt(a)> wrote:
> fyi, paul
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Emily Diamond-Falk <emily_diamond-falk(a)>
> Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:00 AM
> Subject: Article from E&E News on WV Senate race
> To: Birth Place of Rivers <birthplaceofrivers(a)>
> CAMPAIGN 2014:**** W.Va. Dems hopeful of finding pro-coal candidate to
> follow Rockefeller****
> Manuel Quinones, E&E reporter****
> Published: Tuesday, June 4, 2013****
> West Virginia Democrats are expressing optimism about their chances of
> replacing retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller with another Democrat in next
> year's election, despite their apparent difficulty in tapping a strong
> candidate.****
> Yesterday, well-known West Virginia radio talk show host Hoppy Kercheval
> raised eyebrows when he reported that Charleston attorney Nick Preservati
> -- who had been called a potential "unicorn" candidate and an electable
> pro-coal Democrat -- would not jump into the race because of family reasons.
> ****
> Preservati did not return a call to confirm his intentions in time for
> publication. But news that he would likely not be running sparked observers
> in West Virginia and Washington, D.C., to chatter about the party's uphill
> climb against Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, who announced her
> intention to run even before Rockefeller announced his retirement.****
> "I think with or without Preservati, this was looking like a really
> difficult hold for Democrats," said Nathan Gonzalez, campaign analyst with
> the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, which has the West Virginia
> Senate race leaning in favor of the Republicans.****
> Gonzalez said Democrats "were excited about Preservati and his family's
> connection to the coal industry, but the political reality is that it's
> going to take a special Democratic candidate to win in West Virginia in the
> second midterm of President Obama in the White House."****
> West Virginia Democratic Party Chairman Larry Puccio brushed off claims
> that the party was in dire straits in its efforts to find a candidate.****
> "The truth of the matter is, we have a couple of individuals who we
> believe will have a positive announcement in the near future," Puccio said
> in an interview.****
> One name that keeps popping up is West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie
> Tennant, a former journalist who has worked to increase her statewide
> profile. She came in third in a 2011 primary for governor.****
> Puccio, while not revealing names of candidates who have expressed their
> interest to run, said support for the state's coal industry was an
> important test of electability.****
> "I think that's extremely important in this state," said Puccio. "And I
> will tell you, of the candidates who have spoken to me, they are all
> extremely supportive of coal in West Virginia."****
> In recent days, attorney Ralph Baxter, the former CEO of global law firm
> Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe LLP and a West Virginia native, also
> decided against taking on Capito.****
> Republicans were already painting Baxter as too liberal for West Virginia
> and highlighting his connections to San Francisco, where the firm is
> headquartered.****
> Former state GOP Chairman Mike Stuart told Kercheval on West Virginia
> MetroNews "Talkline" that Baxter's background was "frankly not in tune with
> most of the people in West Virginia." Stuart said Baxter would have spent
> "millions of his own dollars and [have lost] badly."****
> George Carenbauer, former state Democratic chairman, shot back, saying
> that Capito's record is "not necessarily a record that fits well with the
> average West Virginian." He mentioned Medicare, likely referring to
> Capito's vote for the GOP budget plan that would rework the system.****
> Democrats control the West Virginia Legislature and the governor's
> mansion. There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans in
> the state. Plus, along with touting their support for the state's coal
> industry, Democrats generally also tend to favor strong worker protections,
> endearing them to the United Mine Workers union.****
> "Yeah, Democrats can get elected, but those state offices are built around
> a completely different set of issues," said Gonzalez, noting that when it
> comes to federal elections, Mountain State voters want to see candidates
> who can prove their independence from more liberal national Democrats and
> an unpopular Obama.****
> Popular Sen. Joe Manchin has emerged as a model for an electable West
> Virginia Democrat at the national level. Many observers called Preservati,
> who has represented the coal companies and has family connections to the
> industry, another "Joe Manchin."****
> But even though some Democrats think Preservati's lack of an electoral
> record is a good thing, Gonzalez said, "Joe Manchin didn't just develop his
> political profile a year before his election to the Senate. He was a
> two-term governor who also ran a good campaign."****
> Rep. Nick Rahall, a Democrat serving his 19th term in the House, mulled a
> Senate run but decided against it earlier this year. He may face a tough
> race of his own for re-election.****
> "West Virginia has lost a tremendous amount of seniority already with the
> loss of Sen. [Robert] Byrd and [soon to retire] Sen. Rockefeller," said
> Rahall in a recent interview. "And I felt that for the best interests of
> the state of West Virginia and its people, that my seniority should stay in
> the House of Representatives."****
> Addressing his party's Senate prospects, Rahall said, "We'll come up with
> a good candidate that can attract sufficient votes. The seat, I believe,
> can be won by a good, strong Democrat who backs our coal industry and would
> continue to diversify our economy and has experience in those areas."****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Emily Diamond-Falk*
> Communications Manager****
> *The Wilderness Society *| Washington, DC**
> 202.429.2608| cell: 202.841.8605****
> ** **
> Facebook:****
> Twitter: <!/Wilderness>****
> ** **
> ** **
> *[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CC7170.6F236C10]**We protect wilderness and
> inspire Americans to care for our wild places***
> ** **
> --
> Paul Wilson
> Sierra Club
> 504 Jefferson Ave
> Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
> Phone: 304-725-4360
> Cell: 304-279-1361
> "There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
> "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
This is a quote from the article linked below. If a bill like this were
passed in WV, I would be a felon and an ecological terrorist, except that
some of the videotaping I did of the Lochgelly UIC by myself. The
anti-fracking effort is becoming something much deeper than just trying to
curtail pollution. Anybody know a computer geek who could tell if my
computer is monitored? It seems pretty slow, but that could just be
Earlier this year, a bill was introduced into the Pennsylvania legislature
that would make it a felony to videotape farming operations in Pennsylvania
- so-called "ag-gag" legislation that has already passed in Utah and Iowa,
and has been introduced in several other legislatures. Many of the ag-gag
bills draw on language crafted by the American Legislative Exchange
Council's (ALEC) "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act." (In recent years
ALEC has received considerable support from the natural gas industry).
Section D of the ALEC bill defines an animal or ecological terrorist
organization in broad terms "as any association, organization, entity,
coalition, or combination of two or more persons" who seek to "obstruct,
impede or deter any person from participating" not only in agricultural
activity but also mining, foresting, harvesting, and gathering or processing
of natural resources.
The proposed law has many anti-drilling activists worried. If such language
were included in the bill (it is currently in committee and will be revised
before it comes to the floor) it would greatly limit the ability of
residents to photograph or video well sites, compressor stations, and
pipeline development - all of which could be considered part of the
"gathering or processing of natural resources."
From: wvec-board(a) [] On
Behalf Of cindy rank
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [wvec-board] Articles on Chilling Dissent
good one....
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Steve Thompson <unclesteve197(a)>
I think it was George Carlin that suggested sending a copy of the
Constitution to himself every day by e-mail on the off chance that the
national security state might actually read it...
May 29, 2013
We Are Being Watched
Corporate Spying on Environmental Groups
May 29, 2013
Welcome to the Freakshow
Media Gets Targeted by Obama, Discovers No One Cares Except the Media
(Referenced in above article)
Obama's personal role in a journalist's imprisonment
By Glenn Greenwald
Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012
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