?From the Morgantown Dominion Post. We did not have a lot to do with this one, but that doesn't mean we can't use it anyway. Take this to your local school board. When everyone else wants more money, we can save $100,000 per year!
Then let's use that good will to get support for more EE measures!
Jim Kotcon
Full story from:
Partnership saves Mon schools more than $350K
Conor Griffith
[View More]MORGANTOWN - A partnership between Monongalia County Schools and an energy services company has produced more savings than initially expected.
Assistant superintendent Donna Talerico said the school district has been working with Indiana-based Energy Savings Group (ESG), an energy services provider, for the past five years to find ways to save the district money on energy costs by switching over to more efficient equipment.
Audra Blackwell, business development manager for ESG, delivered a savings report to the Mon County Schools Board of Education at its Tuesday, March 24 meeting.
>From September 2011 to October 2012, no savings were guaranteed, but $98,677 was saved. From November 2012 to October 2013, the district saved $131,122 on energy costs, but only $88,039 was guaranteed. That same amount was guaranteed for the period of November 2013 to October 2014 and $123,671 was saved.
All totaled, ESG guaranteed to save Mon County Schools $176,078 and ended up saving $353,470, twice the amount that was promised.
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?The news article below is about a recent PJM study of costs of implementing EPA's Clean Power Plan, and includes a statement near the end that suggests that retaining more energy efficiency would lower CO2 prices and reduce the number of power plants at risk for retirement. Anybody seen any more details of this scenario?
However, according to the analysis, retaining more nuclear generation and adding energy efficiency and renewable energy would likely lower CO2 prices, which could …
[View More]reduce the amount of fossil steam resources at risk for retirement.
The report also suggested state-by-state compliance options would increase the amount of capacity at risk for retirement because some states, namely states that already have a high concentration of coal in their resource mix, would likely face higher CO2 prices in an individual compliance approach.
Standalone CPP compliance could be costly for states - Business, Government Legal News from throughout WV
In complying with federal emissions reduction standards, a PJM Interconnection analysis suggests states team up with their neighbors to lower costs and capacity retirements.
Read more...<http://www.statejournal.com/story/28476864/standalone-cpp-compliance-could-…>
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Very interesting data in the news this week, but it is not getting a lot of coverage in WV.
The International Energy Agency reports that greenhouse gas emissions from energy in 2014 were stable, compared to 2013, even though the global economy expanded by 3 %?. This marks the first time in 40 years of monitoring that stalled emissions growth occurred in the absence of economic recessions, and gives hope that greenhouse gas reduction efforts are more successful than many had expected.
[View More]Global energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide stalled in 2014
The same IEA report suggested that China played a big part, and reduced their coal consumption by 2.9 % last year, and intends to boost non-fossil energy capacity to 15 % of consumption by 2020.
China's coal consumption dropped almost 3 % in 2014
This does NOT mean that coal is finished, or that West Virginia's "Slaves to Coal" (AKA the WV Legislature) won't do incredible destruction to our economy, our environment, or to local communities as the industry goes through the inevitable death throes.
Jim Kotcon
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The EQB has upheld the DEP’s revocation of the certification of Appalachian Laboratories based on the guilty plea to falsification of water sampling reports bf one of App Labs samplers.
Attached is a copy of the EQB Final Order for Appeal No. 14-17-EQB (Appalachian Laboratories).
“However, as mentioned, Mr. Shelton's admission is evidence of …
[View More]falsification/tampering within
the lab, regardless of how many additional employees, if any, were involved. Also, the
certification rules give WVDEP authority to revoke the' certification if "any" falsification has
occurred. W. Va. CSR 47-32-3.12.4. Thus, the regulation d.oes not require that the
falsification/tampering he undertaken by a certain number of employees and/or by an employee
who fills a certain hierarchy within the lab in order for WVDEP to issue a revocation order.
As a result of the forging, it is ORDERED by the Board that WVDEP's order is
affirmed. The parties have a right to judicial review of this order pursuant to W. Va. Code §22B-
3~3 and W. Va. Code §29A~5~4. The Party seeking judicial review must file its appeal within 30
days after the date the party received notice of this final order.”
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This is a pretty important article for those of us trying to engage our
neighbors and communities on climate change. We have a tendency to think
of our opponents as scientifically challenged (to put it mildly), but these
data show that opponents of climate action are at least as knowledgeable of
what climate scientists think as climate action supporters. After 20+
years of hearing about it, they know the scientific arguments, but the
problem is that they view it through the lens of protecting …
[View More]their values
and culture. Many opponents view this as an issue of Big Government taking
away their communities. The author cites the interesting example of South
Florida, where local groups developed a local action plan to protect
against rising sea levels. When communities come together to work out how
to solve local problems, even the Republicans want to use sound science.
I suggest we need to use this concept to develop plans for climate action
in West Virginia that avoid debates over global issues. Instead, our focus
needs to be on how West Virginia communities can adapt to the changes
ahead. The vast majority of West Virginians both support the coal
industry, and know that it is declining. The vast majority also pay
electric bills, and know that electric rates are going up. And almost all
political leaders know that the state budget will face a really big hole as
coal severance taxes decline. If we can get a conversation going about
solutions to these problems, instead of getting hung up on an "Us versus
Them" mentality, we may get some traction.
Whaddya Tink?
Jim Kotcon
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Wilson <pjgrunt(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:17 AM
Subject: [Coal Volunteers List] from ScienceDaily e-newsletter: Climate
science literacy unrelated to public acceptance of human-caused global
To: Resilient Habitats Listserve <
CONS-AWL-RESILIENT-HABITATS(a)lists.sierraclub.org>, Coal Alerts <
Climate science literacy unrelated to public acceptance of human-caused
global warming
Posted: 24 Feb 2015 05:38 AM PST
Deep public divisions over climate change are unrelated to differences in
how well ordinary citizens understand scientific evidence on global
warming. Indeed, members of the public who score the highest on a
climate-science literacy test are the most politically polarized on whether
human activity is causing global temperatures to rise.
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club Military Outings
Project Healing Waters Fly-fishing
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361
"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle
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