Nate Parr is doing the bumper stickers for us. I sent him the ideas that were sent to me. He is already working on the design and cost for printing.
Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.
Here is a copy of the fundraising letter that went out....
Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.
Dear Committee,
The energy committee recently had a meeting regarding the Allegheny intervention case. While there are many stages that can be considered "next," one stage that needs leadership is the education campaign. This work has come to the foreground because soon the PSC will be announcing the dates for public hearings. We, of course, want to see as many Sierran members at these county meetings as possible. An education campaign will entail a bulk mailing of bulleted information to Sierra Club members. As we all know, citizens do not have to be living along the power line to have a voice against it. The mailing will also include the dates for the hearings.
Is someone willing to take this responsibility on? I and others will assist, of course.
As for me I need to stay focused on fundraising!!!!
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
Apparantly I did not make myself clear!!!! (oh my gosh!!) I do not need creative ideas, but rather I need a person with creative ideas. Who can take on this bumper sticker project????
----- Original Message ----
From: Beth Little <blittle(a)>
To: "William V. DePaulo, Esq." <william.depaulo(a)>; Paul Wilson <pjgrunt(a)>; ec(a)
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:49:54 PM
Subject: Re: [EC] creativity needed for bumper sticker
In the line of creativity - how about a graphic of a transmission tower with the red circle around and a line through it - the sign for NO. Make it 5 or 6 inches round, and make some of the window decal type that go inside and can be peeled off.
-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces(a) []On Behalf Of William V. DePaulo, Esq.
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:31 AM
To: Paul Wilson
Cc: ec(a)
Subject: Re: [EC] creativity needed for bumper sticker
BILL DEPAULO 304-541-1984
On 9/19/07, Paul Wilson <pjgrunt(a)> wrote:
For the bumper sticker could we use the symbol of an electrical transmission tower as opposed to the word "towers"??
That would make it clear we do not mean wind towers. paul
On 9/17/07, Barbara Fallon < brbr_fallon(a)> wrote:
We need to get bumper stickers....and we need to decide on our slogan.
Who is creative and would be thrilled to take on the bumper sticker project.
I would like to have bumper stickers ready to go within the next two weeks....
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
EC mailing list
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975
EC mailing list
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel: 304-342-5588
Fax: 304-342-5505
Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
Rodger and Sandy,
Thank you tremendously for getting this bulk mailing out. I was delighted to receive my letter in the mail on Saturday. You packaged it up perfectly, map and all.
Thank you for doing such a good job and for following through asap.
----- Original Message ----
From: Rodger Dotson <bhaddaka(a)>
To: Karen Grubb <kgrubb(a)>; Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon(a)>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 3:35:58 PM
Subject: fundraiser letters
The letters are at the post office.
Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
that gives answers, not web links.
>>> WVEC - Don Alexander <paradox(a)> 9/7/2007 2:08 PM >>>
If you are reading this text your email program either cannot display html
or is configured to display the alternate plain text portion of an html email.
You may view the contents of the current WVEC Action Alert online at:
WVEC's website is at:
All action alerts are archived at:
As I feared, Rosen will NOT be able to help us out.
>>> "Richard Rosen" <rrosen(a)> 9/24/2007 2:55 PM >>>
Sorry, later is not much better. I will decline again. -- Rich Rosen
-----Original Message-----
From: James Kotcon []
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 5:04 PM
To: Richard Rosen
While this schedule is not yet "official", it does appear to be agreed
We will likely have until Dec. 5 to file our direct testimony, with
evidentiary hearings in January. I recognize that your schedule did not
permit participation in October/November, and am writing to inquire if
this delay would allow you to serve as an expert witness on behalf of
the Sierra Club, West Virginia Chapter. I certainly understand if your
schedule is already full, but thought it might be worth asking.
Thank you for your time.
Jim Kotcon
>>> "William V. DePaulo, Esq." <william.depaulo(a)> 9/18/2007
10:20 AM >>>
The parties at the PSC hearing Friday agreed to the following procedural
schedule subject to PSC approval, which is expected.
Public comment hearings week(s) of October 8 or 15, 2007
Status hearing and Charleston public comment hearing - November 1, 2007
Deadline for Staff and intervenors' testimony, including rebuttal to
TrAILCo's testimony - December 5, 2007, 12:00 p.m.
Deadline for propounding discovery - December 12, 2007
Deadline for TrAILCo's rebuttal testimony and other parties'
of each others' testimony - January 7, 2008, 12:00 p.m.
Evidentiary hearing, first phase [everyone's case but TrAILCo] - January
9-11, 14-15, 2008*
Evidentiary hearing, second phase [TrAILCo's case, including oral
surrebuttal to evidence adduced in first phase; possibly Staff's
unable to attend first phase] - February 12-15, 19-22, 2008. **
Initial briefs and proposed findings/conclusions - March 10, 2008
Reply briefs - March 21, 2008
In general, TrAILCo has agreed to shorten the time for its responses to
1. Requests should be directed via email to each of
rpalmer(a), gdeaver(a),
hriddle(a), bmill11(a),
ccallas(a), and pmelick(a), with the
requests in
an accompanying document published in Microsoft Word.
2. Requests received before 12:00 p.m. on a business day will be deemed
served that day. Requests received thereafter will be deemed served on
subsequent business day.
3. TrAILCo will file and serve its objections within seven calendar
and its responses within 14 calendar days; provided, that if that day is
a business day, then the time is extended to the subsequent business
TrAILCo has reserved the right to assert that the sheer quantity of
or other circumstances preclude this accelerated response protocol, as
under standard Commission Rule. TrAILCo has already responded to
from the Staff and the WVEUG and expect thats TrAILCo, rather than the
parties, will be the principal server of discovery in the week ending
December 7, 2007
Obviously, there is a premium on getting discovery out first. In that
regard, however, we need to know what, if any, additional information
expert we retain may need. The expert's testimony will need to be
filed by December
5. The status hearing set for November 1 is intended, in part, to deal
any pending discovery disputes, again reinforcing the idea of
discovery earlier rather than later.
I will begin drafting a data request aimed at a range of financial and
environmental issues and will forward it for suggestions.
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel: 304-342-5588
Fax: 304-342-5505
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gregg, Billy Jack <BGregg(a)>
Date: Sep 21, 2007 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: TrAILCo - PSC Case No. 07-0508-E-CN Staff Witness Information
To: "Melick, Phil" <PMELICK(a)>, "Short, Caryn"
Cc: "Watkins, Joe" <JWATKINS(a)>, "Hitt, Richard"
<RHitt(a)>, "Auville, John" <jauville(a)>,
"DeHaven, Carrie" <CDeHaven(a)>, "Williamson, Derrick"
<DWilliam(a)>, "sriggs(a)" <sriggs(a)>,
"rodecker(a)" <rodecker(a)>,
<bradstephens(a)>, "william.depaulo(a)"
<william.depaulo(a)>, "Palmer, Randall B."
<rpalmer(a)>, "Deaver, Gerald R."
<gdeaver(a)>, "Callas, Chris"
Even if the January dates work out, I continue to prefer letting
the pro se intervenors put on their cases first, followed by TrAILCo
and other parties ending with Staff. This will let the pro se
intervenors, who may not be able to attend for very many days, put on
their cases and get back to their real lives.
Billy Jack
-----Original Message-----
From: Melick, Phil []
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 2:20 PM
To: Short, Caryn
Cc: Watkins, Joe; Hitt, Richard; Auville, John; DeHaven, Carrie;
Gregg, Billy Jack; Williamson, Derrick; sriggs(a);
rodecker(a); bradstephens(a);
william.depaulo(a); Palmer, Randall B.; Deaver, Gerald R.;
Callas, Chris
Subject: RE: TrAILCo - PSC Case No. 07-0508-E-CN Staff Witness Information
TrAILCo intends to oppose the Staff motion in Virginia, which will not
be fully briefed until October 4. However, if that motion is granted,
then TrAILCo would not oppose your suggestion, provided (i) that all
other prehearing dates to which we last agreed remain in place and
(ii) that the parties agree to move up the dates for briefs. TrAILCo
would like to complete the briefing sooner than we last discussed, in
the hope of enabling an earlier Commission order.
Phil Melick
Jackson Kelly PLLC
P. O. Box 553
Charleston, WV 25322
(1600 Laidley Tower, Court and Lee Streets, Charleston, WV 25301)
304.340.1289 (voice)
304.340.1080 (fax)
Pursuant to the requirements related to practice before the Internal
Revenue Service, any tax advice contained in this communication
(including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used and
cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding Federal
tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer or (ii) promoting,
marketing or recommending to another person any tax-related matter.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This e-mail message from the law office of
Jackson Kelly PLLC is for the sole use of the intended recipient or
recipients and may contain confidential and privileged information.
Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information contained
therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail message, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message.
From: Short, Caryn []
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 01:43 PM
To: Melick, Phil; Watkins, Joe; Hitt, Richard
Cc: Auville, John; DeHaven, Carrie; Gregg, Billy Jack; 'Williamson,
Derrick'; 'sriggs(a)'; 'rodecker(a)';
'bradstephens(a)'; 'william.depaulo(a)';
'Palmer, Randall B.'; 'Deaver, Gerald R.'; Callas, Chris
Subject: RE: TrAILCo - PSC Case No. 07-0508-E-CN Staff Witness Information
Joe and others,
Please see the news article below where the Staff in VA has sought
a delay of the January 14, 2007 evidentiary hearings. If the Virginia
State Corporation Commission grants a continuance to the VA Staff and
hearings are not to be held in VA, it seems to me that the dates the
WV Staff proposed for hearings in WV in its Motion of September 11,
2007, will be available.
Assuming the VA SCC grants the continuance, do any of the parties
have an objection to hearings in WV in the January 9-18 timeframe?
Please advise.
Thanks Caryn
Staff Seeks Delay in Hearing on Proposed Power Line
By Sandhya Somashekhar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 21, 2007; Page B06
Virginia utility regulators have asked for more time to study whether
Dominion Virginia Power should be allowed to build a high-voltage
power line through a 65-mile stretch of rural Northern Virginia.
The staff of the State Corporation Commission has asked the
commission, which approves power lines, to postpone arguments
scheduled for Jan. 14
Dominion's application is "voluminous" and "both complex and novel,"
according to a four-page staff request released Wednesday. The staff
asked that the Richmond hearing be delayed until Feb. 25.
In addition, staff members said they want additional time to consider
whether a high-voltage line proposed for Maryland would affect whether
the Virginia power line is needed.
Dominion, which contends that the Virginia line is needed to guard
against blackouts, is reviewing the commission staff request, a
spokeswoman said. If the commission delays the project for more than a
year, the company might be allowed to bypass the state and appeal
directly to the federal government under a new federal law.
The Piedmont Environmental Council, a nonprofit organization that is
leading opposition to the line, said it is pleased with the staff's
They recognize it's not as simple as the scare tactics of, 'Your
lights are going to go out if you don't get this line,' " council
spokesman Robert W. Lazaro Jr. said. "It is very significant."
The 270-mile, 500-kilovolt transmission line, a joint project of
Dominion and Pennsylvania-based Allegheny Power, would carry
electricity from coal-fired plants in the Midwest to fast-growing
Northern Virginia.
Dominion would be in charge of the eastern part of the line, which
would begin in Frederick, Va., and end in Loudoun County, slicing
through parts of Fauquier, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Warren and Prince
William counties. The estimated cost of that portion of the line is
$243 million
The other project the commission staff wants to study is a $1.8
billion, 300-mile high-voltage line proposed by Allegheny and American
Electric Power. It would start in West Virginia and end in Frederick
County, close to the Montgomery County border.
Both proposals have provoked an outcry from preservationists and
landowners, who worry that the cables and lofty steel towers will mar
the landscape and bring down property values.
In addition, the environmental council has argued that Virginia does
not need the Dominion line.
On Monday, the organization published a report that says Dominion and
Allegheny misrepresented the data to prop up the case for the line and
that they ignored "less costly and less environmentally damaging
In April, Dominion released a report that warned of "significant
problems in the system that will require new transmission facilities
by 2011."
This week, the utility company announced energy conservation
initiatives to help meet the growing demand for electricity in
A hearing examiner for the State Corporation Commission is to decide
this fall whether to delay arguments in the case. If the examiner
agrees to a delay, anyone who wants to testify Jan. 14 would be
allowed to do so.
-----Original Message-----
From: Short, Caryn
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 10:43 AM
To: 'Melick, Phil'; Watkins, Joe
Cc: Auville, John; DeHaven, Carrie; Gregg, Billy Jack; Williamson,
Derrick; sriggs(a); rodecker(a);
bradstephens(a); william.depaulo(a); Palmer,
Randall B.; Deaver, Gerald R.; Callas, Chris
Subject: RE: TrAILCo - PSC Case No. 07-0508-E-CN Staff Witness Information
In accordance with Commissioner McKinney's directive, at the
hearing on Friday, I have confirmed that the Staff witnesses will be
available for the February hearing dates. The Staff understands that
for the February hearing dates TrAILCo will proceed with the
presentation of its witnesses first, any remaining intervenor
witnesses next and finally the Staff witnesses, both in-house and
Consultant. The Staff is willing to work with TrAILCo and any
intervenors that have witnesses remaining to be called at the February
hearings in order to accommodate the calling of out of town witnesses
in an efficient manner. Further it may be appropriate to group the
presentation of witnesses by their area of expertise.
Please provide this information to the Commission and let me know
if they require anything further. Caryn
Caryn Watson Short
Supervising Attorney
P.O. Box 812
201 Brooks Street
Charleston, WV 25323
Ph. (304)-340-0338 Fax: (304) 340-0372
-----Original Message-----
From: Melick, Phil []
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 9:47 AM
To: Watkins, Joe
Cc: Short, Caryn; Auville, John; DeHaven, Carrie; Gregg, Billy Jack;
Williamson, Derrick; sriggs(a); rodecker(a);
bradstephens(a); william.depaulo(a); Palmer,
Randall B.; Deaver, Gerald R.; Callas, Chris
Subject: TrAILCo - PSC Case No. 07-0508-E-CN
As you requested on Friday, here is what the attending lawyers agreed
to with respect to a procedural schedule, in the event that the
Commission determines not to proceed as per the previous Staff
Public comment hearings week(s) of October 8 or 15, 2007
Status hearing and Charleston public comment hearing - November 1, 2007
Deadline for Staff and intervenors' testimony, including rebuttal to
TrAILCo's testimony - December 5, 2007, 12:00 p.m.
Deadline for propoundment of discovery - December 12, 2007
Deadline for TrAILCo's rebuttal testimony and other parties'
cross-rebuttal of each others' testimony - January 7, 2008, 12:00 p.m.
Evidentiary hearing, first phase [everyone's case but TrAILCo] -
January 9-11, 14-15, 2008 TrAILCo will pay for expedited transcription
of proceedings
Evidentiary hearing, second phase [TrAILCo's case, including oral
surrebuttal to evidence adduced in first phase; possibly Staff's
witnesses unable to attend first phase] - February 12-15, 19-22, 2008.
TrAILCo will pay for overnight transcription of proceedings
Initial briefs and proposed findings/conclusions - March 10, 2008
Reply briefs - March 21, 2008
The Commission might also wish to reflect in an order TrAILCo's
stipulation as to how it would expedite discovery. With the
understanding that it will not be asked to do anything more
expeditiously, TrAILCo has committed to accelerating its responses to
discovery as set forth below. (As stated on Friday, discovery outside
this protocol will be addressed pursuant to Commission Rule.)
1. Requests should be directed via email to each of
rpalmer(a), gdeaver(a),
hriddle(a), bmill11(a),
ccallas(a), and pmelick(a), with the
requests in an accompanying document published in Microsoft Word.
2. Requests received before 12:00 p.m. on a business day will be
deemed served that day. Requests received thereafter will be deemed
served on the subsequent business day.
3. TrAILCo will file and serve its objections within seven calendar
days, and its responses within 14 calendar days; provided, that if
that day is not a business day, then the time is extended to the
subsequent business day.
TrAILCo must reserve the right to take the position that sheer
quantity of requests or other circumstances preclude this accelerated
response protocol, just as might be the case under standard Commission
Rule. By copy of this correspondence to the lawyers who attended our
hearing on Friday, we respectfully reiterate our request that parties
propound discovery as soon as they are able. In that regard,
TrAILCo's case in chief has been of public record since March 30, and
TrAILCo has already responded to discovery from the Staff and the
WVEUG. We would expect that TrAILCo, and not the other parties, will
be the principal server of discovery in the week ending December 7,
2007 (if the Commission adopts the stipulated schedule above).
Joe, please let us know if the you or the Commission have any
questions or concerns.
Phil Melick
Jackson Kelly PLLC
P. O. Box 553
Charleston, WV 25322
(1600 Laidley Tower, Court and Lee Streets, Charleston, WV 25301)
304.340.1289 (voice)
304.340.1080 (fax)
Pursuant to the requirements related to practice before the Internal
Revenue Service, any tax advice contained in this communication
(including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used and
cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of (i) avoiding Federal
tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer or (ii) promoting,
marketing or recommending to another person any tax-related matter.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This e-mail message from the law office of
Jackson Kelly PLLC is for the sole use of the intended recipient or
recipients and may contain confidential and privileged information.
Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or other
dissemination of this e-mail message and/or the information contained
therein is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail message, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message.
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel: 304-342-5588
Fax: 304-342-5505
The National Research Council is pleased that the Bush Administration has advanced the science
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$1.7 billion a year Climate Change Science Program.?
Chapter from which Questions
have been taken [PDF files]
Questions [PDF files]
Multiple chapters
All Questions in Single File? [7Mb]
1. Historical Overview of Climate Change Science
1.1. What Factors Determine Earth's Climate? [392Kb]
1.2. What is the Relationship between Climate Change and Weather? [514Kb]
1.3. What is the Greenhouse Effect? [2.7Mb]
2.Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing
2.1. How do Human Activities Contribute to Climate Change and How do They Compare with Natural Influences? [298Kb]
3.Observations: Surface and Atmospheric Climate Change
3.1. How are Temperatures on Earth Changing? [3.7Mb]
3.2. How is Precipitation Changing? [296Kb]
3.3. Has there been a Change in Extreme Events like Heat Waves, Droughts, Floods and Hurricanes? [412Kb]
4.Observations: Changes in Snow, Ice and Frozen Ground
4.1. Is the Amount of Snow and Ice on the Earth Decreasing? [254Kb]
5. Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level
5.1. Is Sea Level Rising? [139Kb]
6. Palaeoclimate
6.1. What Caused the Ice Ages and Other Important Climate Changes Before the Industrial Era? [549Kb]
6.2. Is the Current Climate Change Unusual Compared to Earlier Changes in Earth's History? [79Kb]
7.Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System?and Biogeochemistry
7.1. Are the Increases in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases During the Industrial Era Caused by Human Activities? [701Kb]
8.Climate Models and their Evaluation
8.1. How Reliable Are the Models Used to Make Projections of Future Climate Change? [183Kb]
9.?Understanding and Attributing Climate Change
9.1. Can Individual Extreme Events be Explained by Greenhouse Warming? [129Kb]
9.2. Can the Warming of the 20th Century be Explained by Natural Variability? [601Kb]
10.?Global Climate Projections
10.1. Are Extreme Events, Like Heat Waves, Droughts or Floods, Expected to Change as the Earth's Climate Changes? [79Kb]
10.2. How Likely are Major or Abrupt Climate Changes, such as Loss of Ice Sheets or Changes in Global Ocean Circulation? [100Kb]
10.3. If Emissions of Greenhouse Gases are Reduced, How Quickly do Their Concentrations in the Atmosphere Decrease? [211Kb]
11. Regional Climate Projections
11.1. Do Projected Changes in Climate Vary from Region to Region? [1.2 Mb]
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: information(a) Web: Webmaster: webmaster(a)
Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
good for a few laughs. pass it around. best,paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alice.McKeown(a) <Alice.McKeown(a)>
Date: Sep 18, 2007 12:39 PM
Subject: Coal: Cheap, Abundant, Cheap
To: bruce_nilles(a), Baumling(a), pjgrunt(a),
This video parody of coal is hilarious:
Alice McKeown
Sierra Club
Clean Air & Coal Campaigns
tel: 202.675.6271
fax: 202.547.6009
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975