Can anyone fill me in on the background of this suit? Was this the suit
originated sometime ago by Elliott Spitzer of New York? You will notice
the State of WV was not among the plantiffs; however, OVEC and Sierra
Club was.
I can't miss any more work this week, since I am taking off Friday
already for training in MD.
-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of James Kotcon
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 5:46 PM
To: EC(a)
Subject: [EC] Fwd: Re: Allegheny Media Event
Anybody busy Wednesday morning? We could participate by handing out our
fact sheet, and be available to the press. I have class till 10 AM, but
could be there 10:30-noon.…
[View More]
Jim Kotcon
>>> "Alan J. Sexstone" <asexston(a)> 10/8/2007 5:24 PM >>>
>From: Decorwin(a)
>Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 16:27:08 EDT
>Subject: Re: Allegheny Media Event
>To: jbalasko(a), brad.w.stephens(a), ejett(a),
> bjoyceward(a), mjmb(a), foxtrotwv(a),
> erose(a), lewmcdan(a),
> alan.sexstone(a)
JIM KOTCON, I can't think of a more perfect venue for a Sierra Club
and Associates Protest Rally. See attachment below. Alan Sexstone
See attached media event sponsored by our friends at Allegheny. Who
among us is a member of the media and can attend this event?
>Don E. Corwin Jr.
>General Manager
>WinCor Properties LLC
[View Less]
Anybody busy Wednesday morning? We could participate by handing out our fact sheet, and be available to the press. I have class till 10 AM, but could be there 10:30-noon.
Jim Kotcon
>>> "Alan J. Sexstone" <asexston(a)> 10/8/2007 5:24 PM >>>
>From: Decorwin(a)
>Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 16:27:08 EDT
>Subject: Re: Allegheny Media Event
>To: jbalasko(a), brad.w.stephens(a), ejett(a),
> bjoyceward(a)yahoo.…
[View More]com, mjmb(a), foxtrotwv(a),
> erose(a), lewmcdan(a), sam.dyke(a),
> alan.sexstone(a)
>X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5041
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:,
>Antispam-Data: 2007.10.8.130350
>X-WVU-PMX-SCORE: Gauge=IIIIIII, Probability=7%, Report='HTML_70_90
>0.1, NO_REAL_NAME 0, __AOL_FROM 0, __C230066_P5 0, __CP_URI_IN_BODY
JIM KOTCON, I can't think of a more perfect venue for a Sierra Club
and Associates Protest Rally. See attachment below. Alan Sexstone
See attached media event sponsored by our friends at Allegheny. Who
among us is a member of the media and can attend this event?
>Don E. Corwin Jr.
>General Manager
>WinCor Properties LLC
>See what's new at
><> and
><>Make AOL
>Your Homepage.
[View Less]
There were two columns in the Gazette this week that CTL is the wrong
way to go, but apparently Rockefeller has not gotten the message. The
requirement for carbon capture may make this moot, but it is still a
dangerous precedent. See story below from Huntington News Net.
Oct. 6, 2007
Finance Committee Endorses Rockefeller Coal-to-Liquid Development
By HNN Staff
>From Senator Rockefeller's Office
Washington, DC (HNN) – Late last night, Senator Jay Rockefeller
[View More]D-WV) brokered an agreement with members of the Senate Finance
Committee to keep the development of coal-to-liquids (CTL) technology
advancing in the right direction.
“Many of us have come to understand that a responsible energy policy
requires us to harness all of our abundant natural resources, including
coal, and to demand and help spawn clean technologies. Clean
coal-to-liquids conversion can and should play a big part in achieving
energy independence that is so critical to our national security,”
Rockefeller said.
Specifically, Rockefeller worked with his colleagues to extend the
alternative fuel tax credit for CTL development for three more years. To
qualify, developers will need to demonstrate that they can capture 50
percent of the carbon emissions from a CTL facility over the next two
years; then 75 percent by 2010. The agreement was reached as part of the
Finance Committee’s deliberations on a major agricultural assistance
bill that included tax incentives aimed at spurring rural development.
The bill also includes tax incentives aimed at other alternative fuel
research, such as ethanol and other biofuels, natural gas and wind
“There is no single alternative fuel source that will address our
growing energy needs and lessen our dependence on foreign sources of
energy. We need to be investing in every solution and hold every
solution to a high “green technology” standard. The responsible use
of clean coal to meet our electricity and transportation needs must be
in the mix,” Rockefeller said. “By including coal-to-liquids in this
bill, we’re sending a signal to Wall Street and investors that coal
conversion is a technology worth investing in.”
Senator Rockefeller has long-supported efforts that would promote CTL
development and believes CTL can and must meet high environmental
standards. As part of the Senate debate on the Energy Act of 2007,
Senator Rockefeller supported efforts to begin a substantial federal
government investment – along the lines of the Apollo space program
– to begin researching and developing a workable carbon capture and
sequestration solution.
Additionally, he’s working on legislation that would create a Future
Fuels Corporation – a large scale joint government and private effort
to finally solve carbon capture. Rockefeller noted that the ability to
capture industrial carbon emissions will be the challenge of the coming
decades and is crucial to addressing the problem of global climate
Rockefeller also promoted CTL development in legislation he authored
earlier this year to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration.
The Senator is advocating for the creation of a national center of
excellence to develop coal-to-jet fuel technologies. Rockefeller noted
that several countries around the world already use fuels derived from
coal with great success -- and the U.S. military has some projects
underway, specifically, the Air Force is already testing the use of
Appalachian coal-based jet fuels.
>>> "Vickie Wolfe" <wolfev(a)> 10/7/2007 5:06 PM >>>
Seen this?
Finance Committee Endorses Rockefeller Coal-to-Liquid Development
Vickie L. Wolfe
510 Rosemont Avenue
South Charleston, WV 25303-2126
PHONE: (304) 744-8777
E-MAIL: wolfev(a)
Think coal-derived electricity is "cheap"? Visit
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When he was 10, Ralph Nader said, he came home from school and his
father, a restaurant owner, demanded of him, "Well, Ralph, what did you
learn today? Did you learn how to think? Or did you learn how to
[View Less]
I will not be able to attend these hearings. I have another commitment.
-----Original Message-----
From: ec-bounces(a) [] On Behalf
Of James Kotcon
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 9:45 PM
To: EC(a)
Subject: [EC] PSC Order-Public Hearings Start Oct. 23
Below is the critical part of the PSC Order filed Oct. 3.
On March 30, 2007, Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company (TrAILCo)
filed an application for a certificate of convenience and …
[View More]necessity from
the Public Service Commission of West Virginia for the construction and
operation of the West Virgin-a segments of a 500 kV electric
line and related facilities in Monongalia, Preston, Tucker, Grant, Hardy
and Hampshire Counties. By Commission Order issued on September 27,
the Commission directed that the Commission's Division of Administrative
Law Judges hold public comment hearings in Morgantown, Canaan Valley,
Grafton and Moorefield, West Virginia, in addition to the public comment
hearings to be held before the Public Service Commission in Charleston,
in November. Accordingly, the following public comment hearings have
scheduled for this proceeding:
1. On October 23, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Erickson Alumni Center, West Virginia University, Fine
Arts and Patteson Drive, Morgantown, West Virginia;
2. On October 24, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Reception Room, 1"' Floor, Taylor County Senior Citizens,
Inc., at the intersection of US Routes 119 and 250 South in
Grafton, West Virginia;
3. On October 29, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Spruce Room, Canaan Valley Resort & Conference Center,
Route 32 North, Canaan Valley, Davis, West Virginia;
4. On October 30, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Conference Room, South Branch Inn, 1500 US Route 220
North, Moorefield, West Virginia; and
5. On November 28 and 29, 2007, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on
both days, in the HMC Hearing Room, Public Service Commission
Building, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Anyone interested in this proceeding may appear at any of the
designated public comment hearings and make such statements as may be
deemed appropriate with respect to this proceeding.
EC mailing list
[View Less]
Allan, you are probably right about the IP address but it doesn't give a
message that you can't vote again. Please, everyone on the FOM, the
energy list, the CCL list and Mountain Justice lists do as Allan
suggests and send to list serves you have access to and all your
friends. If he wins this, it will be great publicity for the stop MTR
Regina Hendrix
Allan Tweddle wrote:
> Well that would be the civilized way to do it.
[View More]> However, If you and everyone that I sent it to will forward the e-mail
> to everyone that you can, that will get a lot of votes as well.
> I have one friend who has several thousand on a newsletter mailing
> list that he has runs in Wisconsin and he is distributing it to everyone.
> I hope our combined efforts are successful...Larry deserves it for
> what he has put up with, lost, but never flinches or gives up.
> Thanks
> Allan
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Leroy Grey <>
> *To:* Allan Tweddle <>
> *Sent:* Friday, October 05, 2007 4:51 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Fw: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from
> Executive Producer,Kelly Flynn]
> Thanks Allan. I really appreciate people like Larry, who are
> willing to stand up for what is right. That is what I've done
> all my life, so I understand there is always a cost involved. I
> tried voting multiple times, but the counter does not advance, so
> I suspect they are using the IP addresses to limit more than one
> vote from one computer.
> Leroy
> Allan Tweddle wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Allan Tweddle <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, October 05, 2007 12:24 PM
>> *Subject:* Fw: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive
>> Producer,Kelly Flynn]
>> Family, Friends and Colleagues
>> I am asking you to take a brief moment to vote in the CNN
>> "Heroes" election for Larry Gibson of West Virginia. He is
>> currently in third place.
>> Larry is a peaceful man, but his life and land is under attack.
>> He is short in stature but very long in determination and
>> commitment to this land. His home has been burned, he has been
>> shot at many times, while in his home and while driving. He is
>> not well educated but he is well experienced in the horrors of
>> Mountain Top Removal Mining that are destroying his home and his
>> surrounding land.
>> His ancestors lived on this land from the mid 1800's, but it is
>> being dynamited away for the sake of expedient and illegal mining
>> by blowing off the tops of the mountains to reach narrow seams of
>> coal. The courts have found these practices to be illegal, but
>> they are going through years of appeals and in the mean time the
>> mountain top removal mining continues.
>> Recently, even the family cemetery was bulldozed, graves, caskets
>> and all.
>> If any of you had to put up with what he is experiencing on a
>> daily basis, many of you would probably have taken up arms by now.
>> I urge you, if you are not familiar with Mountain Top Removal
>> Mining, also known as strip mining, check it out in the impartial
>> resource, Wikepedia:
>> But please, take a moment to help Dear Larry achieve the top
>> for him on every computer that you have access
>> to...that's traditionally the West Virginia early and
>> often!
>> And it may help to stop the madness that has so far destroyed
>> thousands of square miles of mountains and over a thousand miles
>> of rivers. In all my years of working with industry, I have
>> never seen such a total and callous disregard for the people who
>> live near by. They poison the water, create enormous billion
>> gallon reservoirs of toxic sludge even within a few hundred yards
>> of schools.
>> Larry is a small and powerful voice...please vote for him
>> Thanks
>> Allan
>> Allan Tweddle
>> Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
>> Sir Henry Royce, 1924
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Regina Hendrix <>
>> *To:* All of FOM list <> ;
>> mountainjusticesummer(a)
>> <> ; ec(a)
>> <>
>> *Sent:* Friday, October 05, 2007 11:37 AM
>> *Subject:* [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive
>> Producer,Kelly Flynn]
>> Hi All: See the attached memo from Danielle Berger at CNN.
>> Please go
>> onto the site listed above and vote as many times as you can.
>> This will
>> be very good publicity for us if Larry can win this contest. We've
>> already gotten much benefit from the CNN piece. Larry is now in
>> third
>> place and we need to move him ahead.
>> Thanks to all,
>> Regina
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> RE: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer, Kelly Flynn
>> From:
>> "Berger, Danielle" <Danielle.Berger(a)>
>> Date:
>> Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:45:20 -0400
>> To:
>> "Regina Hendrix" <regina1936(a)>
>> To:
>> "Regina Hendrix" <regina1936(a)>
>> Regina,
>> Tell ALL your friends to log on and vote for Larry between now and
>> Monday at Vote as many times as you like! He will have
>> the chance to be recognized at the red carpet tribute in December.
>> dkb
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Regina Hendrix []
>> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 10:40 AM
>> To: Berger, Danielle
>> Subject: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer, Kelly Flynn
>> Danielle:
>> Believe me, we appreciate all the help you've given. Our political
>> situation in WV is such that we cannot get this type of publicity
>> locally and so we depend on national and international sources to
>> publicize our plight. I'm happy to say the out-of-state sources have
>> responded admirably.
>> With your continued help, we will conquer this situation. The added
>> attention to the necessity for stopping global warming will assist us
>> also.
>> Thanks again,
>> Regina Hendrix
>> Berger, Danielle wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. Gibson,
>>> I am writing to thank you for your participation in the CNN HEROES
>>> initiative. As you likely know from your own personal experience, it
>>> has been a successful campaign, enhancing awareness of important
>>> issues and inspiring hundreds of thousands of viewers to reach out and
>>> help the many people in this world, like you, working hard to help
>>> others. We are so pleased that your stories have inspired our
>>> viewership to continue (and occasionally /begin/) the cycle of /active
>>> giving/, whether that be with their time, their support or their
>> money.
>>> As you may know, CNN HEROES profiles have been airing on CNN, Headline
>>> News, CNN en Espanol, CNN International and at since May. CNN
>>> will also be honoring heroes during a live, global broadcast in
>>> December. Recipients will be selected from the pool of nominations
>>> collected on, where viewers have been steadily nominating
>>> heroes they know. Unfortunately, certain legal restrictions render the
>>> heroes CNN has profiled ineligible for those particular tributes.
>>> However, one profiled CNN Hero will receive separate recognition at
>>> the show as visitors to are being asked to vote for
>>> their favorite on-air profile. You are eligible to be the Viewers'
>>> choice. Voting began, by category, on October 1^st .
>>> Each of your profiles has contributed enormously to CNN's goal of
>>> inspiring individuals to act. In addition to stimulating action, your
>>> stories have motivated viewers to nominate their own heroes on our
>>> website. We appreciate your important role in this effort.
>>> Furthermore, we hope that being profiled on the CNN global networks
>>> has benefited your important work, as we wish you continued success.
>>> Again, we are thrilled that this initiative has served as a successful
>>> call to action and that you have been a part of it. Please do not
>>> hesitate to keep us informed of any new developments.
>>> Thank you again for your participation,
>>> Kelly Flynn
>>> Executive Producer
>>> CNN Program Development
[View Less]
Below is the critical part of the PSC Order filed Oct. 3.
On March 30, 2007, Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company (TrAILCo)
filed an application for a certificate of convenience and necessity from
the Public Service Commission of West Virginia for the construction and
operation of the West Virgin-a segments of a 500 kV electric transmission
line and related facilities in Monongalia, Preston, Tucker, Grant, Hardy
and Hampshire Counties. By Commission Order issued on September 27, 2007,
[View More]the Commission directed that the Commission's Division of Administrative
Law Judges hold public comment hearings in Morgantown, Canaan Valley,
Grafton and Moorefield, West Virginia, in addition to the public comment
hearings to be held before the Public Service Commission in Charleston,
in November. Accordingly, the following public comment hearings have been
scheduled for this proceeding:
1. On October 23, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Erickson Alumni Center, West Virginia University, Fine
Arts and Patteson Drive, Morgantown, West Virginia;
2. On October 24, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Reception Room, 1"' Floor, Taylor County Senior Citizens,
Inc., at the intersection of US Routes 119 and 250 South in
Grafton, West Virginia;
3. On October 29, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Spruce Room, Canaan Valley Resort & Conference Center,
Route 32 North, Canaan Valley, Davis, West Virginia;
4. On October 30, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Conference Room, South Branch Inn, 1500 US Route 220
North, Moorefield, West Virginia; and
5. Qn November 28 and 29, 2007, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on
both days, in the HMC Hearing Room, Public Service Commission
Building, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Anyone interested in this proceeding may appear at any of the
designated public comment hearings and make such statements as may be
deemed appropriate with respect to this proceeding.
[View Less]
----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Tweddle<>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Fw: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer,Kelly Flynn]
Family, Friends and Colleagues
I am asking you to take a brief moment to vote in the CNN "Heroes" election for Larry Gibson of West Virginia. He is currently in third place.
Larry is a peaceful man, but his life and land is under attack. He is short in stature but very long in …
[View More]determination and commitment to this land. His home has been burned, he has been shot at many times, while in his home and while driving. He is not well educated but he is well experienced in the horrors of Mountain Top Removal Mining that are destroying his home and his surrounding land.
His ancestors lived on this land from the mid 1800's, but it is being dynamited away for the sake of expedient and illegal mining by blowing off the tops of the mountains to reach narrow seams of coal. The courts have found these practices to be illegal, but they are going through years of appeals and in the mean time the mountain top removal mining continues.
Recently, even the family cemetery was bulldozed, graves, caskets and all.
If any of you had to put up with what he is experiencing on a daily basis, many of you would probably have taken up arms by now.
I urge you, if you are not familiar with Mountain Top Removal Mining, also known as strip mining, check it out in the impartial resource, Wikepedia:<>
But please, take a moment to help Dear Larry achieve the top for him on every computer that you have access to...that's traditionally the West Virginia early and often!
And it may help to stop the madness that has so far destroyed thousands of square miles of mountains and over a thousand miles of rivers. In all my years of working with industry, I have never seen such a total and callous disregard for the people who live near by. They poison the water, create enormous billion gallon reservoirs of toxic sludge even within a few hundred yards of schools.
Larry is a small and powerful voice...please vote for him
Allan Tweddle
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
Sir Henry Royce, 1924
----- Original Message -----
From: Regina Hendrix<>
To: All of FOM list<> ; mountainjusticesummer(a)<> ; ec(a)<>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:37 AM
Subject: [EC] [Fwd: Re: CNN HEROES: A letter from Executive Producer,Kelly Flynn]<>
Hi All: See the attached memo from Danielle Berger at CNN. Please go
onto the site listed above and vote as many times as you can. This will
be very good publicity for us if Larry can win this contest. We've
already gotten much benefit from the CNN piece. Larry is now in third
place and we need to move him ahead.
Thanks to all,
[View Less]
Hi All: See the attached memo from Danielle Berger at CNN. Please go
onto the site listed above and vote as many times as you can. This will
be very good publicity for us if Larry can win this contest. We've
already gotten much benefit from the CNN piece. Larry is now in third
place and we need to move him ahead.
Thanks to all,
Hi All: See the attached memo from Danielle Berger at CNN. Please go
onto the site listed above and vote as many times as you can. This will
be very good publicity for us if Larry can win this contest. We've
already gotten much benefit from the CNN piece.
Thanks to all,