fyi, good talking points on this updated Q&A factsheet on Coal. best,paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alice McKeown <Alice.McKeown(a)>
Date: Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:36 PM
Subject: Newly revised Coal Questions & Answers
I am pleased to announce that we have revised our coal questions and
answers fact sheet. This new version includes a timely update to the
question about the FutureGen plant, which was cancelled earlier this year.
Please check the new version out on our Clubhouse Headquarters or on our
public website:
Many thanks,
Alice McKeown
Sierra Club
National Coal Campaign
tel: 202.675.6271
fax: 202.547.6009
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from the COAL-CAMPAIGN-ALERTS list, send any message to:
Check out our Listserv Lists support site for more information:
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975
fyi, paul
Seems that the Club has been successful in some Transmission line issues.
In the States*Proposed SD/MN Coal-Fired Power Plant Dealt Setback
*On May 9, two administrative judges in Minnesota recommended against the
transmission lines
the proposed Big Stone II coal-fired power plant on the grounds that
"the five regional power companies in a partnership to build the coal-fired
plant had not proved the transmission lines were needed and had failed to
show that less expensive conservation measures and renewable energy such as
wind could not meet any demand for additional electricity."
Big Stone II is proposed for Milbank, S.D., just miles from the border with
Minnesota. Our North Star chapter has been
a broad coalition fighting the plant. Part of the proposal was a large
new transmission line from the plant to the Twin Cities.
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975
Please review the attached draft of the brief we will file Friday of this
week and forward any comments or suggestions to me no later than COB
William V. DePaulo, Esq.
179 Summers Street, Suite 232
Charleston, WV 25301-2163
Tel: 304-342-5588
Fax: 304-342-5505
fyi, paul
ps. note the info on small grants for chapters
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alice McKeown <Alice.McKeown(a)>
Date: Wed, May 14, 2008 at 9:13 AM
Subject: REMINDER: Next Coal Activists Call Wednesday, May 14th (TONIGHT)
A friendly reminder that our next coal activists call will be tonight,
Wednesday, May 14. Among other agenda items we will discuss an exciting
new local and regional funding opportunity being rolled out by the National
Coal Campaign. Bring questions about this and any local issues for our
open forum.
Please join the National Coal Campaign for our next monthly coal activist
coal on Wednesday, May 14th at 8:00 p.m. eastern. This month we will
report back on recent news as well as talk about an exciting new small
grants opportunity. As always, please bring any questions you have for our
open forum.
866 501 6174
224 0743#
1. Legal update: Pat Gallagher & Bruce Nilles
2. Mercury news & report back: Pat Gallagher & Ginny Cramer
3. Small grants and how you can apply for funding from the Coal Team:
Verena Owen
4. Open Forum
Also, please make sure to check out our Coal Headquarters on Clubhouse for
any coal-related needs.
Many thanks,
Alice McKeown
Sierra Club
National Coal Campaign
tel: 202.675.6271
fax: 202.547.6009
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from the COAL-CAMPAIGN-ALERTS list, send any message to:
Check out our Listserv Lists support site for more information:
Sign up to receive Sierra Club Insider, the flagship
e-newsletter. Sent out twice a month, it features the Club's
latest news and activities. Subscribe and view recent
editions at
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975
This is BIG. Another way for the Coal-To-Liquids crowd to get a foot in the
door via Defense appropriates. Please send your letter. Also you will have
to send it separately to Rockefeller but there are instructions on how to
cut and paste your message in his email system.
thanks, paul
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alice McKeown <Alice.McKeown(a)>
Date: Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:04 PM
Subject: TAKE ACTION: No Dirty Coal Fuels in the Defense Authorization Bill!
Take Action: No Dirty Fuels in the Defense Authorization Bill
Not satisfied with resounding losses last year, coal-to-liquids proponents
are now trying to tack incentives for their dirty fuels onto the Defense
Authorization bill. Coal-to-liquids, or liquid coal, would cause double the
global warming pollution as conventional transportation fuels and would
dramatically increase destructive coal mining in our nation.
These proponents are also taking aim at "Section 526," a provision in the
recently passed energy bill that prohibits federal agencies from spending
taxpayer dollars on purchasing contracts for dirty fuels that would
increase global warming pollution.
Tell Congress to reject incentives for liquid coal and to preserve section
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from the COAL-CAMPAIGN-ALERTS list, send any message to:
Check out our Listserv Lists support site for more information:
Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975
From: Michael Lippe []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 8:26 AM
To: Grubb, Karen
Subject: The Herald-Mail ONLINE: Allegheny unsure where power line will
mjlippe(a) sent you the following story from The Herald-Mail ONLINE
<> :
Comments: Follow up to my email this morning. Cheers.
Allegheny unsure where power line will be
Some worry that project will threaten environmentally and historically
significant areas
WASHINGTON COUNTY - The specific path of a high-voltage transmission
line that will run from southeast West Virginia to Frederick County,
Md., might not be determined until the end of this year, an Allegheny
Power spokesman said Wednesday.
You can view the full story here
l> .
Hello from William,
Message from william.depaulo(a)<br><br>1128 PAGES FROM PSC AND 647 FROM CAD
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FYI. What is our status?
From: MJLippe(a) []
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 10:05 PM
To: Grubb, Karen
Cc: mdavis(a); brbr_fallon(a); jkotcon(a);
pjgrunt(a); william.depaulo(a)
Subject: Re: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines
Hi Karen,
Its me again, from Shepherdstown. I guess we are in the end game now
with regard to TrAIL. I was appalled by the PSC Staff's change of
position. Basically selling out a principled draft order for a few
dollars and jobs. In response, I have written to the PSC, and am
attaching a copy of that letter.
I am hoping the Sierra Club will continue its fight against TrAIL. I
feel I have done about as much as I can, which included going to
Moorefield and testifying, donating to the WV Sierra chapter, and
writing letters.
The main purpose of this letter to you, however, is to ask whether the
Club is planning on joining or leading the fight against PATH. I really
hope so.
As you know, Allegheny is now actively looking at alternative routes in
both West Virginia and Maryland. I have already had 2 letters published
in Maryland papers (the Baltimore Sun and Frederick News-Post) alerting
Maryland readers to the potential danger of PATH to Antietam National
Battlefield, and I am writing to the Hagerstown newspaper shortly about
a misleading article they just published about PATH. However, what is
needed is a campaign on the order of the very persuasive one you wagered
with the technical data to support the lack of need for this line as
well as the environmental damage that will ensue.
By the way, we have 2 eagles and 3 eaglets currently nesting at the
National Conservation Training Center here in Shepherdstown, and a
dedicated group of online watchers who would be very likely to join a
national outcry against any routing that would remotely disturb the
Hoping for a positive response.
Michael Lippe
In a message dated 10/22/2007 7:50:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
kgrubb(a) writes:
This is the contact information on our Treasurer for questions
on your gift.
Chapter Treasurer Mary Davis, 599-6384, mdavis(a)
We are making progress on fundraising and have identified
several expert witnesses, so we are feeling positive at present.
As for an intervention on PATH, that would be up to the Sierra
Club and whether we would have the funding to mount another intervention
after this one for TrAIL Co. It will also depend on how this
intervention goes. To my knowledge Path has not yet applied to the PSC.
If TrAIL is defeated, I think it would be easier to stop PATH.
Here are the public hearings on TrAIL. Since those of us from this area
will probably not make the hearing in Moorefield, it could be helpful
for you to recruit people from your area to go to that hearing.
1. On October 23, 2007, at 1:30 pm and again at 6:30 pm, in the
Erickson Alumni Center, West Virginia University, Fine Arts and Patteson
Drive, Morgantown, West Virginia.
2. On October 24, 2007, at 1:30 pm and again at 6:30 pm, in the
Reception Room, 1"' Floor, Taylor County Senior Citizens, Inc., at the
intersection of US Routes 119 and 250 South in Grafton, West Virginia.
3. On October 29, 2007, at 1:30 pm and again at 6:30 pm, in the
Spruce Room, Canaan Valley Resort & Conference Center, Route 32 North,
Canaan Valley, Davis, West Virginia.
4. On October 30, 2007, at 1:30 pm and again at 6:30 pm, in the
Conference Room, South Branch Inn, 1500 US Route 220 North, Moorefield,
West Virginia.
5. On November 28 and 29, 2007, beginning at 9:00 am on both
days, in the HMC Hearing Room, Public Service Commission Building, 201
Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
Thank you,
From: MJLippe(a) []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 11:34 AM
To: Grubb, Karen
Cc: jkotcon(a); brbr_fallon(a)
Subject: Re: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines
Dear Karen,
Sorry for the delay on this. I am in the process of instructing
my Donor Advised Fund, the Michael Lippe Charitable Fund to send you a
check for $250.00. They may want to contact the West Virginia Chapter
of the Sierra Club concerning certain details. Could you give me the
chapter's phone number and the person with whom they should talk, in
case they have to do this? Thanks!
I should tell you that with regard to PATH, I have written to
our Congresswoman, Shelly Moore Capito, who responded by saying that she
forwarded my letter of concern to the WV PSC. I have also talked with
the Antietem National Battlefield Director (across the Potomac River in
Maryland), who said that they had mobilized and were fighting the
proposed PATH route in Maryland and through their national offices of
the National Park Service and he seemed guardedly optimistic that at
least the lines would not be put through the National Battlefield. The
Jefferson County Planning Commission has also apparently weighed in with
the WV PSC against the PATH proposal.
You mentioned that you were going to contact your attorney, Bill
DePaulo, about a possible intervention concerning PATH. I wondered if
you had heard anything back from him. When I wrote to Allegheny Power,
they responded that the final route had not been determined, so I am not
sure whether that means that a formal application is still to be made or
whether the application has been made, but everything is still in
Thank you and please let me know how everything is going.
In a message dated 9/29/2007 1:50:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
kgrubb(a) writes:
I will forward your question about including PATH in our
intervention to our attorney, Bill DePaulo. I don't believe that PATH
has been submitted to PSC yet, so I don't know if it can be brought up
at the Intervention. Here is the fundraising information you requested.
This is a fight we cannot afford to lose. The
expenses are many: expert witnesses who will substantiate these and
related arguments, our travel to PSC meetings, educational materials,
copying, faxing, and possibly extensive litigation. These are all
beyond the West Virginia Chapter's funds. Thus far, we have secured
some funds from National Sierra Smart Energy Solutions, and
Environmental Law Program, the WV Highlands Conservancy, and private
citizens. We are working with the Sierra Club Office of Foundations and
Corporate Relations for additional funds. Expert witness costs alone
can easily amount to tens of thousands of dollars.
A donation from you will help protect West Virginia. For
tax-deductible donations, please make checks payable to "The Sierra Club
Foundation," and on the Memo line of the check write "WV Chapter." Do
not write anything on the check about "Trail" or "Energy." The Sierra
Club Foundation is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code, and gifts to The Foundation are tax-deductible under
Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Code. IRS regulations require that you
retain a written acknowledgement from The Foundation to support your
claim of a tax deduction. A receipt of your gift will be mailed to you
shortly. The Foundation confirms that you received no goods or services
in return for your gift.
Please send your donation to:
Sierra Club, West Virginia Chapter
P. O. Box 4142
Morgantown, WV 26504
Be sure to include your return address so we can send
you a tax-deductible receipt. Thank You.
Barbara Fallon, WV Chapter, Energy Committee Chair
Karen Grubb, WV Chapter, Conservation Chair
From: MJLippe(a) []
Sent: Sat 9/29/2007 10:29 AM
To: Grubb, Karen
Cc: jkotcon(a)
Subject: Re: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines
Dear Karen,
Thank you for this information. I am wondering whether
it is possible for the Sierra Club to specifically include and make
reference to both the PATH and TRAIL proposals in its testimony before
the WV PSC. As well as the potential route going right through our
National Conservation Training Center, which Senator Byrd worked so hard
to get funded, it is also apparently going to go through Antietem
Battlefield in Maryland, which would have a devastating impact on this
well-protected national treasure.
I agree with you 100% concerning the need for the
companies to make a more compelling case on the need for this line in
the first place. We are talking with the Jefferson County planning
officials about this, but so far they are saying it is a State level
matter, not something they will jump in on, which is too bad.
Please advise where contributions for this fight should
be sent.
Thank you,
Michael Lippe
In a message dated 9/17/2007 12:39:02 P.M. Eastern
Daylight Time, kgrubb(a) writes:
Yes PATH is the other southern line I was
referring to. But since, as the attached email says, this line will go
to New Jersey, it could go through Jefferson County.
I believe the electric lines are up to the PSC,
although if the local commission and your representatives in Charleston
come out against it, that could carry some weight with PSC.
Unfortunately, our governor mostly seems to favor the lines since that
means WV will sell more coal. If NIETC if approved by Congress, what
the states say may not matter, as the federal government would have the
power of eminent domain. NIETC includes the whole top half of WV, and
states north and east of it. This federal designation is what has given
Allegheny and American Electric the impetus to propose these power
I think you are correct, the Allegheny TrAIL
project was at first proposed as indicated, but has since been changed
to the current more southern route.
The other project to watch is the joint AE-AEP
765-kv line (PATH) from the John Amos plant near Charleston to somewhere
in New Jersey. If TrAIL is approved, I suspect that PATH will be next.
Furthermore, if the NIETC is approved, Jefferson County could easily be
in the route for this or other lines. Hence, stopping TrAIL is
important, even if this particular line is not in your back yard.
From: MJLippe(a) []
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 9:09 AM
To: Grubb, Karen
Subject: Re: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines
Dear Karen,
I had first thought so myself, but now think
that there must be two separate lines, TRAIL and PATH, so I googled
Bedington, which is the electric substation near us mentioned in the
2006 Allegheny Power letter and found the following,
I am going to try and follow up this week to see
where this stands with the local county planning commission. Do they
have any jurisdiction over this, to your knowledge, or would it all be
up to the WV Public Service Commission?
You mentioned an NIETC. Do you know if this
includes Jefferson and Berkeley Counties, I
assume it does, and whether it includes anything
that Allegheny wants to do anywhere in it?
Thank you!
Michael Lippe
In a message dated 9/16/2007 7:25:06 P.M.
Eastern Daylight Time, kgrubb(a) writes:
Dear Mr. Lippe,
In looking at your attachment, I see it
is dated March 6, 2006. I believe that the proposed route has been
changed to the more southern route and no longer is planned to go
through part of Maryland and Jefferson County. I have also heard that
Allegheny Power is avoiding all federal lands along the route.
I will consult with our Energy Committee
to see if they have more information I can give you. The actual eastern
NIETC covers at least 2/3 of WV (Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor
includes counties in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania,
New York, Maryland, Virginia, and all of
New Jersey, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.). The Allegheny
TrAIL is the actual proposed route of one transmission line, with
another being proposed much farther south in WV by American Electric
The WV Sierra Club is fighting all
additional power lines, regardless of where they are placed. We welcome
your help and involvement. We are currently conducting a funding drive
to collect money to pay for expert witness testimony for our
intervention against Allegheny Power with the WV Public Service
Karen Grubb
WV Sierra Conservation Chair
From: MJLippe(a)
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:02
To: Grubb, Karen
Subject: Allegheny Power Transmission
Dear Ms. Grubb,
There was a recent article in the
Shepherdstown Chronicle about an Allegheny Power request for designation
of a National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor to go through the
Eastern Panhandle and Jefferson County, apparently quite near to where
we live. Looking at the rough map on the proposal, which I downloaded
at, it appears
that the corridor might go through the nearby National Conservation
Training Center (where there is a pair of nesting bald eagles) and then
cross the Potomac very near if not through Antietem National Battlefield
When I started to look this up, I
quickly came to your site and the battle concerning the transmission
lines being planned, apparently along another route, further to the
I am assuming that the two corridors are
not related, at least geographically, but am not sure and am wondering
whether the Sierra Club has looked into the issues concerning the
Eastern Panhandle corridor.
Thank you for any light you can shed on
this and any assistance you can provide in directing me in the right
direction to try and find out more about all of this. Perhaps needless
to say, we are quite worried about the implications of this proposal.
Best regards,
Michael Lippe