Dear Jim,
Over the past two weeks, we have all watched the BP oil disaster unfold in the Gulf Coast, and Americans across the country have shown their solidarity with coastal communities grappling with the devastation to their economy and environment.
We must break our addiction to the dirty, dangerous fossil fuels that led to the tragedy in the Gulf.
Tell your senators we need to put America back in control of our energy future by ending our reliance on dirty, dangerous, and deadly fossil fuels.
Today, Senators Kerry and Lieberman introduced a climate proposal that can serve as the foundation on which to build a clean energy economy that no longer relies on oil and coal -- but only if the bill is substantially improved and strengthened.
Our leaders in the Senate must seize this
opportunity to strengthen their draft legislation into a final bill that will unchain us from dirty energy sources.
Demand that your senators lead the effort to move us toward a clean energy future.
Last month's coal mine tragedy in West Virginia and the oil disaster in the Gulf make it clear -- we cannot allow dirty energy companies to continue setting the agenda in Washington while putting our health, our safety, our economy, and our national security at risk.
Our work starts now -- contact your senators today and tell them to stand up to pressure from the dirty energy lobby and end our reliance on oil and coal.
Thanks for all that you do to protect our environment.

Sarah Hodgdon
Sierra Club Conservation Director
P.S. Please forward this message and help spread the word to your friends and family!

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