Dear Jim,
decades, mountaintop removal mining has devastated local
communities, the economy, and the streams and headwaters of
Appalachia. Entire mountain ranges have been razed as coal
companies found loopholes in the law to streamline their
destructive mountaintop removal mining permits. Now, the Army
Corps of Engineers is finally considering that "Nationwide
Permits"—a streamlined approval process—are not
intended to authorize the devastation happening at mountaintop
removal sites.
Corps' plan to suspend and modify "Nationwide Permit 21" will
stop the rubber stamping of mountaintop removal permits and lead
to better scrutiny of the environmental impacts of this mining
practice. Strong public support—your
support—is needed now to eliminate the NWP 21
last week, coal companies and their cronies shut out coalfield
residents in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia
from public hearings on the Army Corps' plan. Violence and
threats kept many people from even having a chance to speak.
You only have until Monday, Oct. 26 to tell
the Army Corps that its plan to repeal the one-size-fits-all
approach of NWP 21 is good news for the people, streams, and
mountains of Appalachia.
Please act today. Tell the Army Corps that its
plan to stop using NWP 21 is the right move. Let them know you
support stronger environmental protections for the mountains,
rivers, streams and people of Appalachia:
How to Take Action
You must submit your comment on the Army Corps of
Engineers' plan at, the official source for U.S.
government regulations and related documents.
- Click on the button below to access the Army Corps of
Engineers' comment form. Or, copy and paste this link into your
- Fill in the comment form. If you don't see the form, search for the Army Corps of Engineers' notice
using document ID "COE-2009-0032-0346".
Here is a sample
letter you can use:
Your proposal to
modify and suspend Nationwide Permit 21 is a good step towards
protecting the waters, mountains, and communities of
I agree with your assessment that NWP 21 "has
been used to authorize surface coal mining activities that
involve discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of
the United States that have resulted in adverse environmental
impacts that may be more than minimal on a cumulative
The proposed modification would enhance
environmental protection by requiring surface coal mining
projects to apply for individual permits under the Clean Water
Act. This will allow for increased public and agency
involvement, including public comment periods.
I also
support the proposed suspension to NWP 21 to allow comments to
be reviewed and evaluated. Ultimately, the use of NWP 21 to
permit valley fills and stream destruction must end
The impacts of mountaintop removal coal
mining are significant and permanent. The Army Corps should not
issue any additional authorizations under NWP 21, and past
authorizations should be reviewed under the Clean Water Act.
Please modify and suspend NWP 21 to protect Appalachia's
environment and community.
- Click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form,
and your comment will be delivered.
- Thank you for taking the time to make sure that your voice
is heard! Drop us a
note to let us know that you took action!
To get started, click
on the button below:

— Earthjustice Because the earth
needs a good lawyer |