The attached report identifies the top 100 largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the utility sector. I suspect that there may be a few large oil refineries or aluminum mills that would also make a top 100 list, but coal-fired power plants are, by far, the largest emitters as a group.
What is interesting is that, of the five plants in WV that made the top 100 list, three (John Amos, Harrison and Mitchell) are the ones that AEP and FE want to transfer from deregulated states to WV.
Thanks to Dan Heyman for uncovering this one, and be on the lookout for the news story he is producing.
From: West Virginia News Service (WVNS) <>
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 8:40 PM
To: James Kotcon
Subject: reportshould be attached. Dan
West Virginia News Service
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