Jim Sconyers jim_scon@yahoo.com 304.698.9628 Remember: Mother Nature bats last.
--- On Fri, 11/6/09, Mary Ann Hitt, Sierra Club <membership.services@sierraclub.org> wrote:
From: Mary Ann Hitt, Sierra Club
<membership.services@sierraclub.org> Subject: The fate of Coal River Mountain is up to us To: jim_scon@yahoo.com Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 8:21 PM
Sierra Club
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Dear Jim,
The fate of Coal River Mountain is up to us.
Last week, Massey Energy began setting off explosives on Coal River Mountain in West Virginia -- the site of a proposed 328-megawatt wind farm -- to prepare for a massive mountaintop removal coal mining operation.
Coal River Mountain could be a wind farm that provides 85,000 households with electricity, 700 long-term green jobs, gives back $1.7 million in annual county taxes and stands as a model for clean energy across the region. Or it can be a 6,000-acre dirty coal mining wasteland.
Contact the Obama Administration today. Ask them to immediately stop the blasting on Coal River Mountain and preserve our nation’s clean energy resources.
The blasting of Coal River Mountain is also endangering lives. Blasting on Coal River Mountain
could destabilize the nearby coal slurry pond, unleashing eight billion gallons of toxic sludge on homes and schools. Were the dam to fail, local residents would have mere minutes to evacuate before being overtaken by a 50-foot high wall of coal sludge.
Coal River Mountain represents a crossroads -- it can be one of the most dangerous examples of mountaintop removal mining destruction for dirty coal or one of the most profound examples of hope for a clean energy future that exists in our country.
We need your help to call on the Obama Administration to step in and intervene today. Ask them to stop the blasting today.
Coal River Mountain must become our line in the sand. We can no longer allow fossil fuel interests to build more pipelines, belch out more pollution, and destroy more mountains that could
become clean energy wind farms.
The Obama Administration must save Coal River Mountain in order to show they are serious about our clean energy future.
Thanks for all that you do,
Mary Anne Hitt, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign
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