I attended the Pittsburgh, PA hearing last Thursday. We organized a bus with 11 people from Morgantown, and 8 more from Waynesburgh and Washington, PA. The OSM allowed 2 minutes per speaker, but also had rooms set up for individuals to give comments to an OSM rep, or to submit written comments.
Due to a press conference, most of us did not sign up until just before the hearing started, so we went later in the evening.
Robert Murray of Murray Mining was present, and used the event to blast the Obama Administration, claiming that the OSM rules were blatantly illegal and an attempt to kill the coal industry, cripple America, and destroy our way of life. He was followed by a couple dozen of his employees who largely repeated the Murray Mining mantra. It was clear that Murray had bussed in a large number of miners (50-100), but they were mostly respectful. They all got up to leave when Murray left an hour into the hearing, and it appears they were just there because they were paid to be. But since most of them went first, they tended to get more press, so it was good to get our press conference in early.
One issue that came up repeatedly was the request for a 180-day extension of the comment period. ODM has already extended it by 30 days (to Oct. 26), so this appears to be an attempt to delay the rule until after the Obama Administration leaves office. While I support public comment, it is important to keep in mind that we have already waited many years for this rule, and each day of delay is another day of polluted water, another day that the problems become worse, another stream that dies, and another family that loses their water. OSM needs to act now, not analyze this to death.
For another story on the Pittsburgh hearing, see the story by Don Hopey at the link below.
Both sides sound off at hearing on new federal stream protection rule | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The OSMRE says adoption of the rule would protect about 6,200 miles of streams nationwide over the next two decades.
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Hi to all those who care about West Virginia’s streams
Over the past two weeks, OSM has held hearings in Lexington, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Denver on the draft stream protection rule that will help protect our most valuable natural resource: water. As a Sierra Club representative, I personally attended the Lexington and St. Louis hearings and can say that people are being heard when they step up and say that clean water is vital to our economy and our lives. The number of speakers in support of the rule has increased at each hearing. In St. Louis citizens matched the number of industry executives and polluter allied politicians. It’s great to see the increased momentum as the series of hearings continues. We are not done yet! On Thursday, September 17th the hearing will be held at the Charleston Civic Center. This is the final hearing in the series and we should make it the best. I’d love to see you there supporting clean safe water and letting the Office of Surface Mining know that we support the efforts to protect our streams. The hearing begins at 5pm. You are welcome to attend our pre-hearing event at the Holiday Inn Express across the street beginning at 3pm. We will have some food, be able to prepare our comments and find out more about the hearings. Thank you! Bill Price, President West Virginia Environmental Council |
From the WVEC Action Alert E-mail List |